Count clock selectors 1 and 2
The count clock selectors 1 and 2 select the internal count clock. For Timer 1 in the 8-bit mode
or for the 16-bit mode, three types of internal clocks and one type of external clock can be
selected. For Timer 2 in the 8-bit mode, only three types of internal clocks can be selected.
Counter circuits 1 and 2
Each of the counter circuits 1 and 2 consists of the 8-bit counter, comparator, comparator data
latch, and data registers (T1DR, T2DR).
The 8-bit counter counts up according to the selected count clock. The comparator compares
the counter value and the comparator data latch value and, if there is a match, clears the
counter and sets (loads) the data register value in the comparator data latch.
In the 8-bit mode, the counter circuits 1 and 2 operate independently as Timers 1 and 2. In the
16-bit mode, the counter circuits 1 and 2 operate as one 16-bit counter with the former as the
lower 8-bit and the latter as the upper 8-bit.
Square wave output control circuit
If the comparator detects a match in the 8-bit or 16-bit mode, this circuit generates an interrupt
request. If the square wave output is enabled at this time, a corresponding output control circuit
reverses the output of the square wave output pin.
Additionally, the square wave output can be initialized either to the "L" or "H" level.
Timer data registers (T1DR, T2DR)
While writing, these registers are used to set data to be compared with the values in the 8-bit
counters. While reading, the current counter values in the counters are read.
Timer control registers (T1CR, T2CR)
Select a function, enable and disable the operation, control an interrupt, and check the status.
Interrupt of the 8/16-bit timer/counter
Generates an IRQE interrupt request if the interrupt request output is enabled (T1CR:
T1IE=1 for Timer 1 in the 8-bit mode or for the 16-bit mode or T2CR: T2IE=1 for Timer 2 in
the 8-bit mode) when the counter value becomes equal to the value in the data register
either in the interval timer or the counter function mode.