Stereo Audio CODECs with Microphone, DirectDrive
Headphones, Speaker Amplifiers, or Line Outputs
Master Mode (S1MAS/S2MAS)
1 = Master mode (LRCLK and BCLK timing signals
generated internally; LRCLK and BCLK configured as
0 = Slave mode (LRCLK and BCLK accepted from
external source; LRCLK and BCLK configured as
Slave mode timing signals may operate asynchronous
to either the MCLK or the other audio interface source
in DAC-only stereo audio modes. An interface with the
ADC output enabled must operate in master mode,
unless operating synchronously in voice mode.
1 = Right-channel data is transmitted while LRCLK is
0 = Left-channel data is transmitted while LRCLK is
Set S1WCI/S2WCI = 0 to conform to the I2S standard.
S1WCI/S2WCI have no effect in voice mode.
1 = Digital audio bits are transferred on the falling edge
of BCLK.
0 = Digital audio bits are transferred on the rising edge
of BCLK.
Set S1BCI/S2BCI = 0 to conform to the I2S standard.
Data Delay (S1DLY/S2DLY)
1 = Digital audio MSB on SDIN and SDOUT is trans-
ferred on the 2nd BCLK edge following an LRCLK edge.
0 = Digital audio MSB on SDIN and SDOUT is trans-
ferred on the 1st BCLK edge following an LRCLK edge.
Set S1DLY/S2DLY = 1 to conform to the I2S standard.
S1DLY/S2DLY have no effect in voice mode.
Word Size (S1WS/S2WS)
1 = 18-bit digital audio data.
0 = 16-bit digital audio data.
When operating in master mode, the number of BLCK
cycles per sample corresponds to the word size select-
ed by S1WS/S2WS. S1WS/S2WS have no effect in
voice mode.
MCLK Frequency Mode (MHz)
1 = 26MHz MCLK.
0 = 13MHz MCLK.
A 26MHz clock allows for synchronous 16kHz voice
mode. All other modes of operation can operate from
either MCLK frequency.
ADC DC-Blocking Filter Enable (ADCDC)
1 = ADC DC block enabled.
0 = ADC DC block disabled.
DC-blocking consists of a highpass filter with a cutoff
frequency of fS / 1608. This filter is available in all modes
of operation including voice modes. The ADC DC-
blocking filter can be overloaded with low-frequency
signals with DC offset greater than ±0.125V (one-eighth
full scale).
ADC Bandpass Filter Enable (ABPE)
1 = ADC bandpass filter enabled.
0 = ADC bandpass filter disabled.
ABPE = 1 enables the ADC highpass filter in combina-
tion with the ADC lowpass filter to create a bandpass
filter. The ADC voiceband filters only operate on the left
output channel data of voiceband, the ADC, and when
operating in voice mode.
DAC Bandpass Filter Enable (DBPE)
1 = DAC bandpass filter enabled.
0 = DAC bandpass filter disabled.
DBPE = 1 enables the DAC highpass filter in combina-
tion with the DAC lowpass filter to create a bandpass
filter. The DAC filters only operate on the S1 left input or
mono S1 L+R input signal data.
Left and Right DAC Highpass Filter Mode
00 = No filtering.
01 = 55Hz to 91Hz cutoff frequency.
10 = 171Hz to 279Hz cutoff frequency.
11 = 327Hz to 533Hz cutoff frequency.
When both the ADC and DAC are enabled, the exact
cutoff frequency of each setting depends on the sam-
ple rate in use. In DAC-only mode, the exact cutoff fre-
quency will be the high end of the range above.
Table 14. Digital Filter
Digital Filter Register (0x07)