Detailed Description
The MAX6610/MAX6611 combine a temperature sensor
with a low-power voltage reference. The reference volt-
age and temperature sensor gain give convenient LSB
weights when used with an ADC.
For example, when an 8-bit ADC is used with the
MAX6610/MAX6611, an LSB is equivalent to 1°C and a
10-bit ADC LSB is equivalent to 0.25°C.
The reference output features a proprietary tempera-
ture-coefficient, curvature-correction circuit and laser-
trimmed thin-film resistors that result in a low
temperature coefficient (50ppm/°C max) and initial
accuracy of ±0.5% max. The maximum supply current
is 250A during normal operation and 1A max during
shutdown. The supply voltage range is 3.0V to 5.5V for
the MAX6610 and 4.5V to 5.5V for the MAX6611.
Voltage Reference
The MAX6610/MAX6611 REF output provides a voltage
reference for ADCs or other system subcircuits. REF is
capable of driving loads of up to 1mA. An output
capacitor can be as large as 1F.
The voltage reference provides scaled ADC conver-
sions with bit weights that are in convenient units.
For the MAX6610 (2.56V REF output), an 8-bit ADC
yields 10mV/bit or 2.5mV/bit for a 10-bit ADC. The
MAX6611 (4.096V REF output) yields 16mV/bit for an 8-
bit ADC or 4mV/bit for a 10-bit ADC.
Temperature Sensor
The MAX6610/MAX6611 TEMP output provides an ana-
log output voltage that is a linear function of its die tem-
perature as defined by:
VTEMP = 1.2V + (T°C 16mV/°C) for the MAX6611
VTEMP = 0.75V + (T°C 10mV/°C) for the MAX6610
The slope of the output voltage is VREF/256 per °C
(16mV/°C for the MAX6611 and 10mV/°C for the
MAX6610). There is a +75°C offset on the temperature
output (The MAX6611’s output is 1.2V and, the
MAX6610’s output is 0.75V) at 0°C. The temperature error
is less than 1.2°C at TA = +25°C, less than ±3.8°C from
TA = -20°C to +85°C, and only ±5°C for TA = -40°C to
The MAX6610/MAX6611 are equipped with a shutdown
feature that, when driven low, shuts down all internal cir-
cuitry and reduces supply current to 1A (max). When in
shutdown, REF is pulled to GND through a 150k
tor and TEMP goes to a high-impedance state. For nor-
mal operation, connect SHDN to VCC.
Applications Information
Output/Load Capacitance
The MAX6610/MAX6611 TEMP output can drive capac-
itive loads up to 0.2F. The MAX6610/MAX6611 REF
output can drive capacitive loads up to 1F. Devices in
this family do not require an output capacitance for
dynamic stability. However, in applications where the
load or the supply can experience step changes, an
output capacitor within the specified range reduces the
amount of overshoot (or undershoot) and assists the
circuit’s transient response. Many applications do not
need an external capacitor, and this family can offer a
significant advantage in these applications when board
space is critical.
Supply Current
The quiescent supply current of the MAX6610/
MAX6611 is typically 150A and is virtually indepen-
dent of the supply voltage. Unlike shunt-mode refer-
ences, the load current of series-mode references is
drawn from the supply voltage only when required, so
supply current is not wasted and efficiency is maxi-
mized over the entire supply voltage range. This
improved efficiency can help reduce power dissipation
and extend battery life.
Precision, Low-Power, 6-Pin SOT23
Temperature Sensors and Voltage References
Supply Voltage Input. Bypass to GND
with a 0.1F capacitor.
Logic Level Shutdown Input (Active
Low). Driving SHDN with a logic low
turns off internal circuitry to reduce
supply current to 1A (max).
Temperature Output Pin. Voltage at
TEMP varies linearly with temperature.
Reference Voltage Output
Must be connected to pin 2.
Pin Description