8 x 8 Video Crosspoint S witc h
_______________Detailed Desc ription
Output Buffers
The MAX456 video crosspoint switch consists of 64
T-switches in an 8 x 8 grid (Figure 1). The 8 matrix out-
puts are followed by 8 wideband buffers optimized for
driving 400
and 20pF loads. Each buffer has an
internal active load on the output that can be readily
shut off via the LOAD input (off when LOAD = 0V). The
shut-off is useful when two or more MAX456 circuits are
connected in parallel to create more input channels.
With more input channels, only one set of buffers can
be active and only one set of loads can be driven.
And, when active, the buffer must have either
1) an internal load, 2) the internal load of another buffer
in another MAX456, or 3) an external load.
Each MAX456 output can be disabled under logic con-
trol. When a buffer is disabled, its output enters a high-
impedance state. In multichip parallel applications, the
disable function prevents inactive outputs from loading
lines driven by other devices. Disabling the inactive
buffers reduces power consumption.
The MAX456 outputs connect easily to MAX470 quad,
gain-of-two buffers when 75
loads must be driven.
Power-On RES ET
The MAX456 has an internal power-on reset (POR) cir-
cuit that remains low for 5μs when power is applied.
POR also remains low if the total supply voltage is less
than 4V.
The POR disables all buffer outputs at
, but the switch matrix is not preset to any ini-
tial condition. The desired switch state should be pro-
grammed before the buffer outputs are enabled.
___________________Digital Interfac e
The desired switch state can be loaded in a 7-bit paral-
lel-interface mode or 32-bit serial-interface mode (see
Table 3 and Figures 4-6). All action associated with the
WR line occurs on its rising edge. The same is true for
second-rank registers update while LATCH is low
CE and –—–to allow active-high or active-low chip
7-Bit Parallel Mode
In the parallel-interface mode, the 7 data bits A2-A0
and D3-D0 specify an output channel (A2-A0) and the
input channel to which it connects (D3-D0). The data is
loaded on the rising edge of WR. The 8 input channels
are selected by 0000 through 0111 (D3-D0). The
remaining 8 codes (1000-1111) control other MAX456
functions, as listed in Table 1.
In serial mode (SER/–——–= high), all first-rank registers
are loaded with data, making it unnecessary to specify
an output address (A2, A1, A0). The input data format
is D3-D0, starting with OUT0 and ending with OUT7 for
32 total bits. Only codes 0000 through 1010 are valid.
Code 1010 disables a buffer, while code 1001 enables
it. After data is shifted into the 32-bit first-rank register,
it is transferred to the second rank by the LATCH line
(see Table 2).