Low-Cost RF Up/Downc onverter
with LNA and PA Driver
PA Driver
The PA driver typically has 15dB of gain, which is
adjustable over a 35dB range via the GC pin. At full
gain, the PA driver has a noise figure of 3.5dB at
For input and output matching information, refer to the
Typical Operating Characteristics for plots of PA Driver
Input and Output Impedance vs. Frequency.
Rec eive Mixer
The receive mixer is a wideband, double-balanced
design with excellent noise figure and linearity. The
inputs to the mixer are the RF signal at the RXMXIN pin
and the LO inputs at LO and
. The downconverted
output signal appears at the IFOUT port. The conver-
sion gain of the receive mixer is typically 8.3dB with a
noise figure of 9.8dB.
RF Input
The RXMXIN input is typically connected to the LNA
output through an off-chip filter. This input is externally
matched to 50
. See the Typical Operating Circuit
for an example matching network and the RXMXIN
Impedance vs. Frequency graph in the Typical Operating
Local-Oscillator Inputs
The LO and
pins are internally terminated with 50
on-chip resistors. AC couple the LO signal to these
pins. If a single-ended LO source is used, connect
directly to ground.
IF Output Port
The MAX2410’s receive mixer output appears at the
IFOUT pin, an open-collector output that requires an
external pull-up inductor to V
. This inductor can be
part of a matching network to the desired IF imped-
ance. Alternatively, a resistor can be placed in parallel
with the pull-up inductor to set a terminating impedance.
The MAX2411A, a similar part to the MAX2410, has the
same functionality as the MAX2410 but offers a differ-
ential, bidirectional (transmit and receive) IF port. This
allows sharing of TX and RX IF filters, which for some
applications provides a lower cost, smaller solution.
T ransmit Mixer
The transmit mixer takes an IF signal at the IFIN pin and
upconverts it to an RF frequency at the TXMXOUT pin.
The conversion gain is typically 10dB and the output
1dB compression point is typically -11.4dBm at
RF Output
The transmit mixer output appears on the TXMXOUT
pin. It is an open-collector output that requires an exter-
nal pull-up inductor to V
for DC biasing, which can
be part of an impedance-matching network. Consult
the Typical Operating Characteristics for a plot of
TXMXOUT Impedance vs Frequency.
IF Input
The IFIN pin is a self-biasing input that must be AC-
coupled to the IF source. Refer to the Typical Operating
Characteristics for plots of Input and Output Impedance
vs. Frequency.
Local-Oscillator Inputs
The LO and
pins are terminated with 50
resistors. AC couple the LO signal to these pins. If a
single-ended LO source is used, connect
directly to
Advanc ed S ystem
Power Management
RXEN and TXEN are the two separate power-control
inputs for the receiver and the transmitter. If both inputs
are at logic 0, the part enters shutdown mode and the
supply current drops below 1μA. When one input is
brought to a logic 1, the corresponding function is
enabled. If RXEN and TXEN are both set to logic 1, the
part enters standby mode as described in the Standby
Mode section. Table 1 summarizes these operating
Power-down is guaranteed with a control voltage at or
below 0.6V. The power-down function is designed to
reduce the total power consumption to less than 1μA in
less than 2.5μs. Complete power-up will happen in the
same amount of time.
Table 1. Advanced System Power-
Management Functions
Standby Mode