Tel: +44 1460 256 100
Fax: +44 1460 256 101
Golledge Electronics Ltd
Ashwell Park, Ilminster
Somerset, TA19 9DX, UK
13.0MHz GTXO-85V/X
Model: TX0103A
Part No: MA05022
REV. NO.: 3
TX0103A v3
1. Touch the solder iron at 260+/-5 deg C onto the leads for 10+/-2 sec max or touch the
solder at 350+/-5 deg C onto the leads for 3+/-0.5 sec.
2. In the customer’s reflow process, if it will remain some mechanical stress at the
soldering terminals, also make some cracks on the soldering termination. Some cracks
will cause open or short circuit and cause of thermal increasing or smoking. Don’t make
any excess mechanical stress to soldering points.
3. In case of giving a heavy shock to the products, it may make an open or short circuit
and cause of thermal increasing and smoking. To avoid heavy shock impact applying to
products is strictly required.
1. To keep products under the condition at the room temperature (-5~35 deg C) with
normal humidity (45~75%). Absorption of moisture and dew-drop may make inferiority
of characteristics and a short circuit.
2. Oxidization of terminals shall make the solderability more inferior. Dusts and corrosive
gas will make a cause of the open or short circuit. Keep it in the clean place where is
not in dusty and no corrosive gas.
3. Use the anti-static material to the storage package.
4. Don’t put any excess weight to the TCXO in the storage process.
5. Don’t move the product from the cold place to the hot place in the short time, otherwise
it may make some dew-drop, then a short circuit may happen in case.
6. Storage periods should be maximum 6 months under condition of above item 1 after
delivery from TST factory.
7. Once open the bag, there is possibility of electrical characteristics deterioration due to
absorption of moisture. So, please use parts within 7 days after opening the bag.
If you have to keep parts without using after opening the bag, please put the drying agent
in the bag, fold the bag and keep it in the place where temperature and humidity are