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its are
to change.
M37906M4C-XXXFP, M37906M4C-XXXSP, M37906M4H-XXXFP
M37906M4H-XXXSP, M37906M6C-XXXFP, M37906M6C-XXXSP
M37906M8C-XXXFP, M37906M8C-XXXSP
RTP00 pulse output data bit
RTP01 pulse output data bit
RTP02 pulse output data bit
RTP03 pulse output data bit
RTP10 pulse output data bit;
Valid when pulse mode 1 is selected.
RTP11 pulse output data bit;
Valid when pulse mode 1 is selected.
Pulse output trigger select bits
0 0 : Underflow of timer A0
0 1 : Falling edge of input signal to pin
1 0 : Rising edge of input signal to pin
1 1 : Falling and rising edges of input
signal to pin RTPTRG0
Three-phase output data register 1
Three-phase output data register 0
Pulse width modulation enable bit 0
0 : No pulse width modulation by timer A1
1 : Pulse width modulation by timer A1
Pulse width modulation enable bit 1
0 : No pulse width modulation by timer A2
1 : Pulse width modulation by timer A2
Pulse width modulation enable bit 2
0 : No pulse width modulation by timer A4
1 : Pulse width modulation by timer A4
Pulse output polarity select bit
0 : Positive
1 : Negative
RTP10 pulse output data bit;
Valid when pulse mode 0 is selected.
RTP11 pulse output data bit;
Valid when pulse mode 0 is selected.
Invalid in pulse output port mode.
Any of them may be “0” or “1”.
Fig. 51 Bit configuration of three-phase output data registers 1 and
0 in pulse output port mode
Pulse mode 0
This mode divides a pulse output port into 4 bits and 2 bits and indi-
vidually controls them.
When setting the pulse output mode select bit to “0”, and setting bits
2 and 1 to “0” and bit 0 to “1” of the waveform output select bits, four
of RTP03, RTP02, RTP01, and RTP00 become the pulse output ports
with RTP0 selected.
When setting the pulse output mode select bit to “0”, and setting bits
2 and 0 to “0” and bit 1 to “1” of the waveform output select bits, two
of RTP11, RTP10 become the pulse output ports.
When setting the pulse output mode select bit to “0”, and setting bit 2
to “0” and bits 1 and 0 to “1” of the waveform output select bits, the
following two groups become the pulse output ports:
Two of RTP11, RTP10
Four of RTP03, RTP02, RTP01, RTP00.
Each time the contents of timer A3 counter become 000016, the con-
tents of three-phase output data register 1 (address A916)’s bits 5
and 4, which corresponding to RTP11 and RTP10, are output from
Each time the contents of timer A0 counter become 000016, the con-
tents of three-phase output data register 0 (address A816)’s low or-
der 4 bits, which corresponding to RTP03, RTP02, RTP01, RTP00,
are output from ports.
When writing “0” to the specified one of the pulse output data bits, “L”
level is output from the pulse output port when the contents of the
corresponding timer counter become 000016; when writing “1” to it,
“H” level is output from the pulse output port.
In the case that an input trigger of pin RTPTRG0 is selected, the data
written to the pulse output data bit is output from the corresponding
pulse output port by this selected trigger.
Additionally, pulse width modulation can be applied for RTP03,
RTP02, RTP01, and RTP00. Because timer A1 is used for pulse
width modulation, actuate timer A1 in the pulse width modulation
mode. When any of pulse output data bits is “1”, the pulse to which
pulse width modulation has been applied is output from the pulse
output port when the contents of timer A0 counter become 000016.
The pulse width modulation using timer A1 can be applied by setting
the pulse width modulation enable bit 0 of the three-phase output
data register 1 (bit 0 at address A916) to “1” and the pulse width
modulation timer select bits of the waveform output mode register
(bits 5 and 4 at address A616) to “00”. Figure 52 shows example
waveforms in pulse mode 0.
In ports selecting pulse mode 0, output of RTP11 and RTP10 is con-
trolled by the waveform output control bit 0 (bit 6) of waveform out-
put mode register; output of RTP03, RTP02, RTP01 and RTP00 is
done by the waveform output control bit 1 (bit 7).
When setting the waveform output control bit to “1”, waveform is out-
put from the corresponding port. When clearing that bit to “0”, wave-
form output from the corresponding port stops, and the port
becomes floating. The waveform output control bits are cleared to “0”
by reset or by executing instructions.
Also, the waveform output control bit 1 can be cleared to “0” by in-
putting a falling edge to pin P6OUTCUT.