1. Constitution
This user’s manual consists of the following chapters. Refer to the chapters relevant to used products
and the processor mode.
qChapter 1. DESCRIPTION to Chapter 17. APPLICATION
Functions which are common to all products and all processor modes are explained, using the
M37702M2BXXXFP as an example.
When there are functional differences between the low voltage version, PROM version and the 7703
Group, the referential section is indicated. Refer to that section about differences and to “Chapter. 1
to Chapter. 17” about the common functions.
Refer to this chapter when using the products of which difference of electrical characteristics identification
code (see on page 1–2) is “L,” the M37702M2LXXXGP for example. This chapter mainly explains the
differences from the M37702M2BXXXFP, using the M37702M2LXXXGP as an example.
qChapter 19. PROM VERSION
Refer to this chapter when using the products of which memory identification code (see on page 1–
2) is “E,” the M37702E2BXXXFP for example. This chapter mainly explains the differences from the
M37702M2BXXXFP, using the M37702E2BXXXFP as an example.
qChapter 20. 7703 GROUP
Refer to this chapter when using the 7703 Group. This chapter mainly explains the differences from
the 7702 Group, using the M37703M2BXXXSP as an example.
Useful information for 7702 and 7703 Groups usage is shown.
2. Remark
q25 MHz version and 16 MHz version
The 25 MHz version products are distinguished from the 16 MHz version products in part of Chapters
as the case may be. Refer to it as follows:
Products of which difference of electrical characteristics identification code is “B,” M37702M2BXXXFP
as an example ..................................................... Column of “25 MHz version”
Products of which difference of electrical characteristics identification code is “A,” M37702M2AXXXFP
as an example ..................................................... Column of “16 MHz version”
qProduct expansion
See the latest data book and data sheets. Additionally, ask the contact addresses on the last page.
qElectrical characteristics
See also the latest data book or data sheet.
qDevelopment support tools
See the latest data book and data sheet.
See “7700 Family Software Manual.”