Mar 31, 2009
7549 Group
Watchdog Timer
The watchdog timer gives a means for returning to a reset status
when the program fails to run on its normal loop due to a runaway.
The watchdog timer consists of an 8-bit watchdog timer H and an
8-bit watchdog timer L, being a 16-bit counter. The operation of
the watchdog timer is controlled by bits 2 to “0” in function set
ROM data 2 and the watchdog timer control register.
Watchdog timer disable bit
When the watchdog timer disable bit (bit 1 in function set ROM
data 2(FSROM2)) is set to “0”, the watchdog timer is enabled
and starts counting after reset.
Setting this bit to “1” does not operate the watchdog timer.
This bit cannot be rewritten by executing the instruction.
To use the watchdog timer, always set this bit to “0”.
After reset, the watchdog timer cannot start counting by a program.
Watchdog timer source clock selection bit
The count source of the watchdog timer is selected by the
watchdog timer source clock selection bit (bit 0 in FSROM2).
This bit cannot be rewritten by executing the instruction.
When this bit is set to “0”, the count source is always set to the
low-speed on-chip oscillator output/16.
When this bit is set to “1”, the count source is set to
φSOURCE is changed by setting the clock selection bits (bits
5 and 4 in the clock mode register (CLKM: address 003716)).
Watchdog timer H count source selection bit
The count source of watchdog timer H is selected by the
watchdog timer control register (WDTCON: address 003916).
When the watchdog timer H count source selection bit (bit 7 in
WDTCON) is set to “0”, the count source is set to an underflow
signal from watch dog timer L. When this bit is set to “1”, the
clock selected as the count source of watchdog timer L is input to
watchdog timer H.
The initial value of this bit after releasing reset can be set by the
bit 2 in FSROM2.
Watchdog Timer Operation
Resetting or writing any data to WDTCON sets watchdog timer H
to “FF16” and watchdog timer L to “FF16”. When the watchdog
timer starts, the selected clock is counted and internal reset occurs
by the watchdog timer H underflow. Writing to WDTCON is
usually programmed to be performed before underflow.
Reading WDTCON reads the values of the high-order 6 bits in
the watchdog timer H counter and the watch dog timer count
source selection bit.
The following shows the time to watchdog timer underflow after
writing to the watchdog timer control register.
The example applies when the XIN input clock is selected as
φSOURCE and f(XIN) = 8 MHz.
Watchdog timer H count source selection bit = 0: 131.072 ms
Watchdog timer H count source selection bit = 1: 512
Fig 53. Structure of Function set ROM data 2
Fig 54. Structure of watchdog timer control register
Watchdog timer source clock selection bit
0 : Low-speed on-chip oscillator/16
1 :
Watchdog timer disable bit
0 : Watchdog timer enabled
1 : Watchdog timer disabled
Watchdog timer H count source initial value
selection bit
0 : Initial value of bit 7 of WDTCON
after reset release is “0”
1 : Initial value of bit 7 of WDTCON
after reset release is “1”
STP instruction function selection bit
0 : System enters into the stop mode
at the STP instruction execution
1 : Internal reset occurs at the STP
instruction execution
Low-speed on-chip oscillator control bit
(Note 1)
0 : Stop of low-speed on-chip oscillator
1 : Stop of low-speed on-chip oscillator
Set “0” to these bits certainly.
Function set ROM data 2
(FSROM2: address FFDA16)
Note 1: If “0” is set to this bit, it is not possible to write “1” to bit 0 in the clock
mode register. Also, the low-speed on-chip oscillator does not stop
even if in the stop mode.
Watchdog timer H (read only for
high-order 6-bit)
Not used (returns “0” when read)
Watchdog timer H count source
selection bit
0 : Watchdog timer L underflow
1 : Low-speed on-chip oscillator/16
Watchdog timer control register (Note)
(WDTCON: address 003916,
initial value: X01111112)
Note: The initial value of this register is changes by setting of
function set ROM data 2.