Mar 31, 2009
The 7548 Group is the 8-bit microcomputer based on the 740
family core technology.
The 7548 Group has an 8-bit timer, 16-bit timer, serial interface,
A/D converter, power-on reset circuit and the low voltage
detection circuit. Also, the Function set ROM is equipped.
Basic machine-language instructions ..................................71
The minimum instruction execution time ................... 0.25
(at 8 MHz oscillation frequency, double-speed mode)
Memory size
ROM ..................................... 2K, 4K, 6K bytes
RAM ........................................... 192/256 bytes
Programmable I/O ports
I/O port............................................................15
Output port........................................................1
Key-on wakeup .......................................................................6
LED direct drive port..............................................................8
Interrupts ............................................. 12 sources, 12 vectors
Timers ....................................................................... 8-bit × 2
..................................................................................16-bit × 1
Output compare ........................................................ 3 channel
Input capture ............................................................. 1 channel
Serial interface............................................................ 8-bit × 1
(UART or clock synchronous)
A/D converter ............................ 10-bit resolution × 6-channel
Clock generating circuit ..................................... Built-in type
(connect to external ceramic resonator or quartz-crystal oscillator,
32 kHz quartz-crystal oscillation available)
High-speed on-chip oscillator ............................ Typ. : 4 MHz
Low-speed on-chip oscillator .......................... Typ. : 250 kHz
Watchdog timer ...................................................... 16-bit × 1
Power-on reset circuit.......................................... Built-in type
Low voltage detection circuit .............................. Built-in type
Power source voltage
XIN oscillation frequency
(at ceramic resonator, in double-speed mode)
At 8 MHz ........................................ 4.5 to 5.5 V
At 2 MHz ........................................ 2.4 to 5.5 V
At 1 MHz ........................................ 2.2 to 5.5 V
XIN oscillation frequency
(at ceramic resonator, in high-speed mode)
At 8 MHz ........................................ 4.0 to 5.5 V
At 4 MHz ........................................ 2.4 to 5.5 V
At 1 MHz ........................................ 1.8 to 5.5 V
High-speed on-chip oscillator oscillation frequency
At 4 MHz......................................... 4.0 to 5.5 V
Low-speed on-chip oscillator oscillation frequency
At 250 kHz (typ. value at VCC = 5 V)... 1.8 to 5.5 V
Power dissipation ........................................................ 30 mW
Operating temperature range ............................... -20 to 85
Office automation equipment, factory automation equipment,
home electric appliances, consumer electronics, etc.
7548 Group
Mar 31, 2009