M16C/28 Group
Under development Preliminary specification
Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change.
9. Interrupts
Rev.0.60 2004.02.01
page 59 of N
9.3 Interrupt Control
The following describes how to enable/disable the maskable interrupts, and how to set the priority in
which order they are accepted. What is explained here does not apply to nonmaskable interrupts.
Use the FLG register’s I flag, IPL, and each interrupt control register’s ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits to enable/
disable the maskable interrupts. Whether an interrupt is requested is indicated by the IR bit in each
interrupt control register.
Figure 9.3.1 shows the interrupt control registers.
Also, the following interrupts share a vector and an interrupt control register.
INT4 and SIO3
INT5 and SIO4
ICOC base timer and SCL/SDA
ICOC interrupt 1 and I2C-BUS interface
An interrupt request is set by the IFSR6, IFSR7 bits in the IFSR register and the IFSR26 and IFSR27 bits
in the IFSR2A register. Figure 9.3.2 shows the IFSR, IFSR2A registers.