FLD controller
Mitsubishi microcomputers
M30218 Group
(c) Gradation display mode
The gradation display mode can apply bright/dark display for each segment when the display timing
is 16 or less.
Selection of gradation mode is as follows:
Gradation display mode ON
Make sure to fix the timing number control bit (bit 4 of address 035016) to “0” as the maximum timing
is 16. Additionally, set the value to the Toff2 time set register (address 035616) so that Toff2 time
can be less than Tdisp time and more than Toff1 time.
Gradation display mode OFF
(d) HBV port drivability
Two types of drivability, strong or weak, can be selected for HBV ports. This setting is also valid when
using HBV ports as general purpose ports.
(e) P44 to P47 FLD output reverse
Selecting this function enables the polarity reversal of the FLD output from P44 to P47. This function
is useful for adjusting the polarity when using an externally installed driver.
(f) P44 to P47 Toff invalid
Selecting this function disables Toff1 time and Toff2 time and outputs display data for the duration of
(g) P97 dimmer signal output
Selecting this function outputs a signal from DIMOUT (P97) to the decoder which, in turn, sends out
the dimmer signal. The decoder controls this signal to enable the dimmer function.
(h) Toff section generate/not generate
This function can be applied to all of the HBV ports (P0, P1, P2, P3, P40 to P43, P5, P6) and CMOS
ports (P44 to P47). Two types can be selected:
Generate Toff section
The Toff section is generated.
No Toff section
This function reduces unwanted noises generated whenever a port switches due to the combined
capacity of the FLD ports. When continuous data is output to each FLD port, the Toff1 section of the
continuous parts is not generated.
(i) Toff2 SET/RESET change
In gradation display mode, this function specifies either output (SET) or “0” (RESET) depending on
Toff2 time for FLD output of dark display data (when gradation display control data is “1”). Two types
can be selected:
RAM data is output to the FLD output ports (SET) at the time set by Toff2 and is returned to “0”
(RESET) when the Tdisp time ends.
RAM data is output to the FLD output ports (SET) at the time set by Toff1 and is returned to “0”
(RESET) at the time set by Toff2.