Functional Description
Over-charge detection
If either of the cell voltage is equal to or more than the over-charge detection voltage, stop further charging by
turning “L” the Cout pin and turning off external Nch MOS FET after the over-charge detection delay time. This
delay time is set by the internal counter.
The over-charge detection comparator has the hysteresis function. Note that this hysteresis can be cancelled by
connecting the load after detection of over-charge detection.
Once over-charge detection is made, over-current detection is not made to prevent malfunction. Note that short-
circuit can be detected.
Over-charge return
If charger is connected and both cell voltages become equal to or lower than the over-charge recovery voltage or
over-charge detection voltage when load is connected, the Cout pin returns to “H” after the over-charge recovery
delay time set by the internal counter.
When load is connected and either cell or both cell voltages are equal to or more than the over-charge detection
voltage, the Cout pin does not return to “H.” When the load current is passed through the external Cout pin parasite
diode of Nch MOS FET after the over-charge recovery delay time and each cell voltage becomes equal to or below
over-charge detection voltage, the Cout returns to “H.”
Over-discharge detection
When either cell voltage is equal to or below over-discharge voltage, stop further discharge by turning “L” the Dout
pin and turning off external Nch MOS FET after the over-charge detection delay time.
The IC becomes standby state after detecting over-discharge and its consumption current is kept at about 0A. After
detection, the V- pin will be connected to VDD pin via 200k.
Over-discharge return
Return from over-discharge is made by connecting charger. If the V- pin voltage becomes equal to or lower than the
standby return voltage by connecting charger after detecting over-discharge, it returns from the standby state to start
cell voltage monitoring. If both voltages become equal to or more than the over-discharge detection voltage by
charging, the Dout pin returns to “H” after the over-discharge return.
Over-current detection
When high current is passed through the battery, the V potential rises by the ON resister of external MOS FET and
becomes equal to or more than the over-current detection voltage, that will be deemed over-current state. Turn “L”
the Dout pin after the over-current detection delay time and turn off the external Nch MOS FET to prevent high
current in the circuit. The delay time is set by the internal counter. After detection, the V- pin will be connected to
VSS via 1M. It will not go into standby state after detecting over-current.
Short circuit detection
If greater discharge current is passed and the V- pin voltage becomes equal to or more than the short-circuit detection
voltage, it will go into short-circuit detection state after the short circuit delay time shorter than the over-current
detection delay time. When short-circuit is detected, just like the time of over-current detection, turn Dout pin “L”
and turn off external Nch MOS FET to prevent high current in the circuit. The V- pin will be connected to VSS after
detection via 30k. It will not go into standby state after detecting short-circuit.
Over-current/short-detection return
After detecting over-current or short circuit, the return resistor (typ.1M) between V- pin and VSS pin becomes
effective and if the resistor is opened the V- pin voltage will be pulled by the VSS pin voltage. Thereafter, the IC will
return from the over-current/short-circuit detection state when the V- pin voltage becomes equal to or below the over-
current detection voltage and the Dout pin returns to “H” after over-current return delay time set by the internal