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The LV3328PM is an electronic volume and tone IC implements a rich set of audio control functions with a minimal
number of external components. Functions include input selection switching function, an input gain, volume, loudness,
balance, fader, general-purpose ports and bass/mid/treble control.
It is possible to eliminate from the external components of equalizer control block by SCF technology.
Zero-cross switching circuits (Volume control block , Fader control block and General purpose volume block), soft step
(3 band equalizer control) and soft mute circuits used for low noise even when input signals are present.
Low power consumption due to the use of BiCMOS process.
Input switching :
Single-end inputs (3 input systems).
Single-end inputs (2 input systems) or differential input (1 input system).
Differential input (1 input system).
Input gain control :
The input single can be amplified by 0 to +18dB (1dB steps.)
Loudness control :
Taps are output starting at the -32dB position of the ladder resistor and a loudness function implemented with external
capacitor and resistor components.
Volume control : +10dB to -79dB/-∞ (1dB steps)
L/R independent control.
Bass control :
The bass control gain can be maximum boost +20dB position and maximum cut -20dB position.
( +20dB to -20dB in 1dB steps.)
The bass control center frequency 60Hz/70Hz/100Hz/120Hz can be selected.
The bass control quality factor 1.0/2.0 can be selected.
Continued on next page.
For Car Audio Systems
Electronic Volume IC
Ordering number : ENA1657