Front view
Left view
Top view
Dimensions LV 200-AW/2 (in mm. 1 mm = 0.0394 inch)
S is positive when VP is applied on terminal +HT.
This is a standard model. For different versions (supply
voltages, turns ratios, unidirectional measurements...),
please contact us.
Mechanical characteristics
General tolerance
± 0.5 mm
4 holes
6.5 mm
Connection of primary
M5 threaded studs
Connection of secondary
M5 threaded studs
Fastening torque
2.2 Nm or 1.62 Lb - Ft.
LEM reserves the right to carry out modifications on its transducers, in order to improve them, without previous notice.
Secondary terminals
Terminal + : supply voltage + 15 .. 24 V
Terminal M : measure
Terminal E : shield
Terminal -
: supply voltage - 15 .. 24 V
o r
Instructions for use of the voltage transducer model LV 200-AW/2
Primary resistor R
1 : the transducer’
s optimum accuracy is obtained at the nominal primary current. As far as possible, R
1 should be
calculated so that the nominal voltage to be measured corresponds to a primary current of 20 mA .
Example: Voltage to be measured V
PN = 1000 V
a) R
1 =
50 k
/40 W, I
P = 20 mA
Accuracy = ± 0.5 % of V
PN (@ TA = +25°C)
b) R
1 = 200 k /10 W, IP =
5 mA
Accuracy = ± 2.0 % of V
PN (@ TA = +25°C)
Operating range (recommended) : taking into account the resistance of the primary windings (which must remain low compared to R
1, in order
to keep thermal deviation as low as possible) and the isolation, this transducer is suitable for measuring nominal voltages from 100 to 2500 V.