VTEMP (Pin 5): Battery Temperature Input. An external 10k
NTC thermistor may be connected between VTEMP andGND
to provide temperature-based charge qualification and
additional fast charge termination control. Charging may
also be paused by connecting the VTEMP pin to GND. Refer
to the Operation and Applications Information sections for
complete details on external thermistor networks and
charge control. If this pin is not used it should be wired to
INTVDD through 56k. Operating voltage range is GND to
VCELL (Pin 6): Average Single-Cell Voltage Input. An
external voltage divider between BAT and VCDIV is attached
to this pin to monitor the average single-cell voltage of the
battery pack. The LTC4010 uses this information to pro-
tect against catastrophic battery overvoltage and to con-
trol the charging state. Refer to the Applications Information
section for further details on the external divider network.
Operating voltage range is GND to BAT.
VCDIV (Pin 7): Average Cell Voltage Resistor Divider Termi-
nation. The LTC4010 connects this pin to GND provided the
charger is not in shutdown. VCDIV is an open-drain output
to GND with an operating voltage range of GND to BAT.
TIMER (Pin 8): Charge Timer Input. A resistor connected
between TIMER and GND programs charge cycle timing
limits. Refer to the Applications Information section for
complete details. Operating voltage range is GND to 1V.
SENSE (Pin 9): Charge Current Sense Input. An external
resistor between this input and BAT is used to program
charge current. Refer to the Applications Information
section for complete details on programming charge
current. Operating voltage ranges from (BAT – 50mV) to
(BAT + 200mV).
BAT (Pin 10): Battery Pack Connection. The LTC4010 uses
the voltage on this pin to control current sourced from VCC
to the battery during charging. Allowable operating volt-
age range is GND to VCC.
INTVDD (Pin 11): Internal 5V Regulator Output. This pin
provides a means of bypassing the internal 5V regulator
used to power the BGATE output driver. Typically, power
should not be drawn from this pin by the application cir-
cuit. Refer to the Application Information section for addi-
tional details.
BGATE (Pin 12): External Synchronous N-channel MOS-
FET Gate Control Output. This output provides gate drive
to an optional external NMOS power transistor switch
used for synchronous rectification to increase efficiency in
the step-down DC/DC converter. Operating voltage is GND
to INTVDD. BGATE should be left floating if not used.
PGND (Pin 13): Power Ground. This pin provides a return
for switching currents generated by internal LTC4010
circuits. Externally, PGND and GND should be wired
together using a very low impedance connection. Refer to
PCB Layout Considerations in the Applications Informa-
tion section for additional grounding details.
TGATE (Pin 14): External P-channel MOSFET Gate Control
Output. This output provides gate drive to an external PMOS
power transistor switch used in the DC/DC converter. Op-
erating voltage range varies as a function of VCC. Refer to
the Electrical Characteristics table for specific voltages.
VCC (Pin 15): Power Input. External diodes normally con-
nect either the DC input power supply or the battery to this
pin. Refer to the Applications Information section for fur-
ther details. Suggested applied voltage range is GND to 34V.
READY (Pin 16): Active-Low Ready-to-Charge Output.
The LTC4010 connects this pin to GND if proper operating
voltages for charging are present. Refer to the Operation
section for complete details on charge qualification. This
output is capable of driving an LED and should be left
floating if not used. READY is an open-drain output to GND
with an operating voltage range of GND to VCC.
Exposed Pad (Pin 17): This pin provides enhanced thermal
properties for the TSSOP. It must be soldered to the PCB
copper ground to obtain optimum thermal performance.