Output Voltage Monitoring
The LT3688 provides power supply monitoring for
microprocessor-based systems. The features include
power-on reset (POR) and watchdog timing.
A precise internal voltage reference and glitch immune
precision POR comparator circuits monitor the LT3688
output voltages. Each channel’s output voltage must be
above 90% of the programmed value for RST not to be
asserted (refer to the Timing Diagram). The LT3688 will
assert RST during power-up, power-down and brownout
conditions. Once the output voltage rises above the RST
threshold, the adjustable reset timer is started and RST is
released after the reset timeout period. On power-down,
once the output voltage drops below RST threshold, RST
is held at a logic low. The reset timer is adjustable using
external capacitors. This capability helps hold the micro-
processor in a stable shutdown condition. The RST pin
has weak pull-up to the BIAS pin.
The above discussion is concerned only with the DC
value of the monitored supply. Real supplies also have
relatively high-frequency variation, from sources such as
load transients, noise, and pickup. These variations should
not be considered by the monitor in determining whether
a supply voltage is valid or not. The variations may cause
spurious outputs at RST, particularly if the supply voltage
is near its trip threshold.
Two techniques are used to combat spurious reset without
sacricing threshold accuracy. First, the timeout period
helps prevent high-frequency variation whose frequency is
above 1/ tRST from appearing at the RST output. When the
voltage at FB goes below the threshold, the RST pin asserts
low. When the supply recovers past the threshold, the reset
timer starts (assuming it is not disabled), and RST does not
go high until it nishes. If the supply becomes invalid any
time during the timeout period, the timer resets and starts
fresh when the supply next becomes valid. While the reset
timeout is useful for preventing toggling of the reset output
in most cases, it is not effective at preventing nuisance
resets due to short glitches (due to load transients or other
effects) on a valid supply. To reduce sensitivity to these
short glitches, the comparator has additional anti-glitch
circuitry. Any transient at the input of the comparator needs
to be of sufcient magnitude and duration (tUV) before it
can change the monitor state. The combination of the reset
timeout and anti-glitch circuitry prevents spurious changes
in output state without sacricing threshold accuracy.
Watchdog Timer
The LT3688 includes an adjustable watchdog timer that
monitors a μP’s activity. If a code execution error occurs
in a μP, the watchdog will detect this error and will set the
WDO low. This signal can be used to interrupt a routine
or to reset a μP.
The watchdog circuitry is triggered by negative edges on
the WDI pin. The window mode restricts the WDI pin’s
negative going pulses to appear inside a programmed
time window (see the Timing Diagram) to prevent WDO
from going low. If more than two pulses are registered
in the window’s fast period, the WDO is forced to go low.
The WDO also goes low if no negative edge is supplied
to the WDI pin in the window’s slow timer period. During
a code execution error, the microprocessor will output
WDI pulses that would be either too fast or too slow. This
condition will assert WDO and force the microprocessor
to reset the program. In window mode, the WDI signal
frequency is bounded by an upper and lower limit for
normal operation. The WDI input frequency period should
be higher than the window mode’s fast period and lower
than the window mode’s slow period to keep WDO high
under normal conditions. The window mode’s fast and slow
times have a xed ratio of 16 between them. These times
can be increased or decreased by adjusting an external
capacitor on the CWDT pin.
When WDO is asserted, a timer is enabled for a time
equivalent to 1/8th of the watchdog window upper
boundary. Any WDI pulses that appear while the reset
timer is running are ignored. When the timer expires, the
WDO is allowed to go high again. Therefore, if no input
is applied to the WDI pin, then the watchdog circuitry
produces a train of pulses on the WDO pin. The high
time of this pulse train is equal to the watchdog window
upper boundary, and low time is equal to the 1/8th of the
watchdog window upper boundary.