Connection Diagram
48-Lead TSSOP (MTD)
Order Number LM2633MTD
See NS Package Number MTD48
Pin Descriptions
FB1 (Pin 1):
The feedback input for Channel 1. Connect to
the load directly.
COMP1 (Pin 2):
Channel 1 compensation network connec-
tion (connected to the output of the voltage error amplifier).
NC (Pins 3, 14, 15, 20, 26, 28, 37 and 47):
No internal
ON/SS1 (Pin 4):
Adding a capacitor to this pin provides a
soft-start function which minimizes inrush current and output
voltage overshoot; A lower than 0.8V input (open-collector
type) at this pin turns off Channel 1; also if both ON/SS1 and
ON/SS2 pins are below 0.8V, the whole IC goes into shut
down mode The soft-start capacitor voltage will eventually
be charged to V
or 6V, whichever is lower.
ON/SS2 (Pin 5):
Adding a capacitor to this pin provides a
soft-start function which minimizes inrush current and output
voltage overshoot; A lower than 0.8V input (open-collector
type) at this pin turns off Channel 2; also if both ON/SS1 and
ON/SS2 pins are below 0.8V, the whole IC goes into shut
down mode The soft-start capacitor voltage will eventually
be charged to V
or 6V, whichever is lower.
VID4-0 (Pins 6-10):
Voltage identification code. Each pin
has an internal pull-up. They can accept open collector
compatible 5-bit binary code from the CPU. The code table is
shown in Table 3
UV_ DELAY (Pin 11):
A capacitor from this pin to ground
adjusts the delay for the output under-voltage lockout.
FPWM (Pin 12):
When FPWM is low, pulse-skip mode op-
eration at light load is disabled. The regulator is forced to
operate in constant frequency mode.
PGOOD (Pin 13):
: A constant monitor on the output volt-
ages. It indicates the general health of the regulators. For
more information, see Power Good Truth Table (Table 2) and
Power Good Function in Operation Descriptions
GND (Pin 16-17):
Low-noise analog ground.
G3 (Pin 18):
Connect to the base or gate of the linear
regulator pass transistor.
OUT3 (Pin 19):
Connect to the output of the linear regulator.
FB3 (Pin 21):
The feedback input for the linear regulator,
connected to the center of the external resistor divider.
COMP2 (Pin 22):
Channel 2 compensation network connec-
tion (it’s the output of the voltage error amplifier).
FB2 (Pin 23):
The feedback input for Channel 2. Connect to
the center of the output resistor divider.
SENSE2 (Pin 24):
Remote sense pin of Channel 2. This pin
is used for skip-mode operation.
ILIM2 (Pin 25):
Current limit threshold setting for Channel 2.
It sinks at a constant 10 μA current. A resistor is connected
between this pin and the top MOSFET drain. The voltage
across this resistor is compared with the V
of the top
MOSFET to determine if an over-current condition has oc-
curred in Channel 2.
KS2 (Pin 27):
The Kelvin sense for the drain of the top
MOSFET of Channel 2.
SW2 (Pin 29):
Switch-node connection for Channel 2, which
is connected to the source of the top MOSFET.
HDRV2 (Pin 30):
Top gate-drive output for Channel 2.
HDRV2 is a floating drive output that rides on SW2 voltage.
CBOOT2 (Pin 31):
Bootstrap capacitor connection for Chan-
nel 2 top gate drive. It is the positive supply rail for Channel
2 top gate drive.
VDD2 (Pin 32):
The supply rail for Channel 2 bottom gate
LDRV2 (Pin 33):
Bottom gate-drive output for Channel 2.
PGND2 (Pin 34):
Power ground for Channel 2.
VIN (Pin 35):
The regulator input voltage supply.
VLIN5 (Pin 36):
The output of the internal 5V linear regula-
tor. Bypass to the ground with a 1UF ceramic capacitor.
When regulator input voltage is 5V, this pin can be tied to
VIN pin to improve light-load efficiency.
PGND1 (Pin 38-39):
Power ground for Channel 1.
LDRV1 (Pin 40-41):
Bottom gate-drive output for Channel 1.
VDD1 (Pin 42):
The supply rail for the Channel 1 bottom
gate drive.
CBOOT1 (Pin 43):
Bootstrap capacitor connection for Chan-
nel 1 top gate drive. It is the positive supply rail for Channel
1 top gate drive.
HDRV1 (Pin 44):
Top gate-drive output for Channel 1.
HDRV1 is a floating drive output that rides on SW1 voltage.
SW1 (Pin 45):
Switch-node connection for Channel 1, which
is connected to the source of the top MOSFET.
KS1 (Pin 46):
The Kelvin sense for the drain of the top
MOSFET of Channel 1.
ILIM1 (Pin 48):
Current limit threshold setting for Channel 1.
It sinks at a constant 10 μA current. A resistor is connected
between this pin and the top MOSFET drain. The voltage
across this resistor is compared with the V
of the top
MOSFET to determine if an over-current condition has oc-
curred in Channel 1.