Application Hints (Continued)
normal video resumes, a protection element should shunt
high video current away from the IK input of the RGB pro-
cessor. Since the processor’s IK pin is not clamped during
normal video, V
IK of the LM2433 must not exceed +16V
IKMAX). A properly chosen high speed, low-leakage zener
diode (D
PROT) can be used to protect both the RGB proces-
sor input and LM2433 IK output in this case. Again, it may be
necessary for the RGB processor to have IK leakage com-
pensation for the leakage current attributed to the zener. See
a simplified current feedback interface circuit in
Figure 14.LM2433 IK Output and Protection Requirements
The LM2433 IK output sources a copy of the actual cathode
current to the interface circuit during the closed-loop IK
measurement interval and during normal video when the IK
feedback loop is opened. Because the cathode current dur-
ing normal video is much higher than the low current being
measured during the measurement interval, V
IK may exceed
it’s maximum rating. To protect and prevent improper opera-
tion of the LM2433, V
IK must be maintained within the range
For voltage feedback topologies, it is recommended to use a
high-speed diode to clamp the IK voltage to V
BB or a lower
supply during normal video. A small series resistor (R
D in
Figure 13) can be placed at the IK pin to limit the current
through the diode when clamping. See the NSC Demonstra-
tion Board for an example. For current feedback topologies,
it is recommended to use a high-speed, low-leakage zener
diode to clamp V
IK to a properly chosen zener voltage and
shunt the high video current away from the RGB processor’s
IK input. The zener voltage should be higher than the clamp-
ing voltage of the processor’s IK pin and lower than the
maximum voltage rating of either the processor’s IK pin or
LM2433 V
IK, whichever is the less.
In a Direct-View TV application with a single neck PCB, it is
possible for the three LM2433 IK outputs to share the one
feedback circuit and protection diode by connecting the IK
pins together on the neck PCB. This will reduce component
count. In a Rear-Projection TV application with three neck
PCBs, the IK pins can be connected on the central neck PCB
or the RGB processor mainboard through cabling. This way,
they can share the interface circuit to feed back the IK
voltage or current signal to the RGB processor. However,
each LM2433 IK output should have its own protection diode
on its PCB.
For optimum performance, an adequate ground plane, iso-
lation between channels, good supply bypassing and mini-
mizing unwanted feedback are necessary. Also, the length of
the signal traces from the preamplifier to the LM2433 and
from the LM2433 to the CRT cathode should be as short as
possible. The following references are recommended:
Ott, Henry W., “Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic
Systems”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1976.
“Video Amplifier Design for Computer Monitors”, National
Semiconductor Application Note 1013.
Robert A.,
“Troubleshooting Analog
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991.
Because of its high small signal bandwidth, the part may
oscillate in a TV if feedback occurs around the video channel
through the chassis wiring. To prevent this, leads to the video
amplifier input circuit should be shielded, and input circuit
wiring should be spaced as far as possible from output circuit
The high bandwidth, large swing capability, and simple ap-
plication make the LM2433 ideal for Rear-Projection and
Direct-View EDTV CRT applications. The IK output can be
made compatible with any RGB video processor with IK
feedback. If the IK output is not used in the application, it
should be connected to the same ground as pin 3 (GND).
See the section “Cathode Current Output for IK Feedback
Systems” for more information.
for the NSC demonstration neck board for a typical Rear-
Projection EDTV application with IK feedback. This single
channel neck board could be used for all three channels,
since each neck board receives video-related signals directly
from the RGB mainboard. The power supplies are daisy-
chained between each channel using inboard and outboard
connectors J6 and J7. This board provides a good example
of a layout that can be used as a guide for future layouts.
Samples of the NSC demonstration neck board are available
upon request to your local National Semiconductor Sales
Input Video Interface
On the RGB mainboard, the video output of the RGB pro-
cessor is buffered with a PNP transistor to drive the video
through flat cabling to the NSC neck board. The cabling from
the mainboard plugs into the neck board at connector J8 to
supply it with video, IK, GND, and other signals. Between the
video input (pin 3) of J8 and V
IN (pin 7) of the LM2433 is
another buffer stage consisting of two NPN transistors. Both
NPN transistors drop the video levels from the preceding
PNP buffer by a total of two V
BE. This shifts the nominal input
black level such that the LM2433 output (or cathode) black
level voltage is near the nominal cut-off voltage of the CRT.
The overall voltage shift from the processor output to the
LM2433 input is one V
BE drop. Note: The same video level
shifting could have been accomplished using one NPN
buffer on the RGB mainboard to drive the processor’s video
output through cabling directly to the LM2433 input. How-
ever, it was decided to preserve the TV’s original RGB
mainboard circuitry (the PNP buffer) and use two NPN tran-
sistors on the neck board.
FIGURE 14. Simplified IK Interface for Current
Feedback Systems