Lattice Semiconductor
LatticeXP sysCONFIG Usage Guide
Dedicated Pins
Following is a description of the dedicated sysCONFIG pins for the LatticeXP device. These pins are used to con-
trol or monitor the configuration process. These pins are used for non-JTAG programming sequences only. The
JTAG pins will be explained later in the ispJTAG Pins section of this document.
The Configuration Mode pins, CFG[1:0], are dedicated inputs with weak pull-ups. The CFG pins are used to select
the configuration mode for the LatticeXP, i.e. what type of device the LatticeXP will configure from. At Power-On-
Reset (POR), or when the PROGRAMN pin is driven low, and depending on the configuration mode selected, dif-
ferent groups of dual-purpose pins will be used for device configuration.
Table 13-2. LatticeXP Configuration Modes
When both CFG pins are high the device will configure itself by reading the data stored in on-chip Flash; this is
referred to as SDM, or Self Download Mode. See the Self-Download section of this document for more information
regarding SDM.
The PROGRAMN pin is a dedicated input with a weak pull-up. This pin is used to initiate a non-JTAG SRAM config-
uration sequence. A high to low signal applied to PROGRAMN sets the device into configuration mode. The PRO-
GRAMN pin can be used to trigger configuration at any time. If the device is using JTAG then PROGRAMN will be
ignored until the device is released from JTAG mode.
PROGRAMN should not be low externally during power-up. It should be driven high or rising with the power supply
via an external pullup resistor. Once all power supplies have reached minimum levels, PROGRAMN may be used
to initiate the configuration process.
If the CFG pins are not both high (not in SDM) then the configuration sequence will proceed using the selected
configuration port. If both CFG pins are high (SDM), and the Flash has been programmed, then the configuration
sequence will proceed using the data in on-chip Flash.
If both CFG pins are high (SDM), and the Flash has not been programmed, the configuration sequence will pause
and wait for the Flash done bit to be programmed. Once the Flash has been programmed, and PROGRAMN is
brought high, the configuration sequence will continue.
The INITN pin is a dedicated bi-directional open drain pin with a weak pull-up. INITN is capable of driving a low
pulse out as well as detecting a low pulse driven in.
Input with Hysteresis
Input, weak pull-up
Note: Weak pull-ups consist of a current source of 30uA to 150uA. The pull-ups for CFG and PROGRAMN track VCC (core); the pull-ups for
TDI and TMS track VCCJ; all other pull-ups track the VCCIO for that pin.
Configuration Mode
Slave Serial
Master Serial
Slave Parallel
Self Download Mode (SDM)
Table 13-1. Configuration Pins for the LatticeXP Device (Continued)
Pin Name
I/O Type
Pin Type
Mode Used