ISL28233, ISL28433
July 26, 2011
Applications Information
Functional Description
The ISL28233 and ISL28433 use a proprietary
chopper-stabilized technique (see Figure
39) that combines a
400kHz main amplifier with a very high open loop gain (174dB)
chopper amplifier to achieve very low offset voltage and drift
(2V, 0.01V/°C typical) while consuming only 18A of supply
current per channel.
This multi-path amplifier architecture contains a time continuous
main amplifier whose input DC offset is corrected by a parallel-
connected, high gain chopper stabilized DC correction amplifier
operating at 100kHz. From DC to ~5kHz, both amplifiers are active
with DC offset correction and most of the low frequency gain is
provided by the chopper amplifier. A 5kHz crossover filter cuts off
the low frequency amplifier path leaving the main amplifier active
out to the 400kHz gain-bandwidth product of the device.
The key benefits of this architecture for precision applications are
very high open loop gain, very low DC offset, and low 1/f noise.
The noise is virtually flat across the frequency range from a few
millihertz out to 100kHz, except for the narrow noise peak at the
amplifier crossover frequency (5kHz).
Rail-to-rail Input and Output (RRIO)
The RRIO CMOS amplifier uses parallel input PMOS and NMOS that
enable the inputs to swing 100mV beyond either supply rail. The
inverting and non-inverting inputs do not have back-to-back input
clamp diodes and are capable of maintaining high input impedance
at high differential input voltages. This is effective in eliminating
output distortion caused by high slew-rate input signals.
The output stage uses common source connected PMOS and
NMOS devices to achieve rail-to-rail output drive capability with
17mA current limit and the capability to swing to within 20mV of
either rail while driving a 10k
Ω load.
IN+ and IN- Protection
All input terminals have internal ESD protection diodes to both
positive and negative supply rails, limiting the input voltage to
within one diode beyond the supply rails. For applications where
either input is expected to exceed the rails by 0.5V, an external
series resistor must be used to ensure the input currents never
exceed 20mA (see Figure
Layout Guidelines for High Impedance Inputs
To achieve the maximum performance of the high input
impedance and low offset voltage of the ISL28233 and ISL28433
amplifiers, care should be taken in the circuit board layout. The PC
board surface must remain clean and free of moisture to avoid
leakage currents between adjacent traces. Surface coating of the
circuit board will reduce surface moisture and provide a humidity
barrier, reducing parasitic resistance on the board.
High Gain, Precision DC-Coupled Amplifier
The circuit in Figure
41 implements a single-stage DC-coupled
amplifier with an input DC sensitivity of under 100nV that is only
possible using a low VOS amplifier with high open loop gain. High
gain DC amplifiers operating from low voltage supplies are not
practical using typical low offset precision op amps. For example,
a typical precision amplifier in a gain of 10kV/V with a ±100V
VOS and offset drift 0.5V/°C of a low offset op amp would
produce a DC error of >1V with an additional 5mV/°C of
temperature dependent error making it difficult to resolve DC
input voltage changes in the mV range.
The ±6V max VOS and 0.05V/°C max temperature drift of the
ISL28233, ISL28433 produces a temperature stable maximum
DC output error of only ±60mV with a maximum output
temperature drift of 0.5mV/°C. The additional benefit of a very
low 1/f noise corner frequency and some feedback filtering
enables DC voltages and voltage fluctuations well below 100nV
to be easily detected with a simple single stage amplifier.
ISL28233, ISL28433 SPICE Model
42 shows the SPICE model schematic and Figure
43model is a simplified version of the actual device and simulates
important parameters such as noise, Slew Rate, Gain and Phase.
The model uses typical parameters from the “Electrical
Specifications Table” on
page 5. The poles and zeroes in the
model were determined from the actual open and closed-loop
gain and phase response. This enables the model to present an
accurate AC representation of the actual device. The model is
configured for ambient temperature of +25°C.
44 through
51 show the characterization vs simulation
results for the Noise Density, Frequency Response vs Close Loop
Gain, Gain vs Frequency vs CL and Large Signal Step Response (4V).
The information in this SPICE model is protected under the
United States copyright laws. Intersil Corporation hereby grants
users of this macro-model hereto referred to as “Licensee”, a
nonexclusive, nontransferable licence to use this model as long
as the Licensee abides by the terms of this agreement. Before
using this macro-model, the Licensee should read this license. If
the Licensee does not accept these terms, permission to use the
model is not granted.
ACL = 10kV/V