Digital Video Clock Source
MDS 664-03 B
Revision 091404
Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc.
● 525 Race Street, San Jose, CA 95126 ● tel (408) 297-1201 ● www.icst.com
Application Information
Series Termination Resistor
Clock output traces should use series termination. To
series terminate a 50
trace (a commonly used trace
impedance), place a 33
resistor in series with the
clock line, as close to the clock output pin as possible.
The nominal impedance of the clock output is 20
Decoupling Capacitors
As with any high-performance mixed-signal IC, the
ICS664-03 must be isolated from system power supply
noise to perform optimally.
Decoupling capacitors of 0.01F must be connected
between each VDD and the PCB ground plane. To
further guard against interfering system supply noise,
the ICS664-03 should use one common connection to
the PCB power plane as shown in the diagram on the
next page. The ferrite bead and bulk capacitor help
reduce lower frequency noise in the supply that can
lead to output clock phase modulation.
Recommended Power Supply Connection for
Optimal Device Performance
All power supply pins must be connected to the same
voltage, except VDDO, which may be connected to a
lower voltage in order to change the output level.
To achieve the absolute minimum jitter, power the part
with a dedicated LDO regulator, which will provide high
isolation from power supply noise. Many companies
produce very small, inexpensive regulators; an
example is the National Semiconductor LP2985.
Crystal Load Capacitors
If a crystal is used, the device crystal connections
should include pads for capacitors from X1 to ground
and from X2 to ground. These capacitors are used to
adjust the stray capacitance of the board to match the
nominally required crystal load capacitance. To reduce
possible noise pickup, use very short PCB traces (and
no vias) been the crystal and device.
The value of the load capacitors can be roughly
determined by the formula C = 2(CL - 6) where C is the
load capacitor connected to X1 and X2, and CL is the
specified value of the load capacitance for the crystal.
A typical crystal CL is 18 pF, so C = 2(18 - 6) = 24 pF.
Because these capacitors adjust the stray capacitance
of the PCB, check the output frequency using your final
layout to see if the value of C should be changed.
PCB Layout Recommendations
For optimum device performance and lowest output
phase noise, the following guidelines should be
1) Each 0.01F decoupling capacitor should be
mounted on the component side of the board as close
to the VDD pin as possible. No vias should be used
between decoupling capacitor and VDD pin. The PCB
trace to VDD pin should be kept as short as possible,
as should the PCB trace to the ground via. Distance of
the ferrite bead and bulk decoupling from the device is
less critical.
2) The external crystal should be mounted next to the
device with short traces. The X1 and X2 traces should
not be routed next to each other with minimum spaces,
instead they should be separated and away from other
3) To minimize EMI and obtain the best signal integrity,
the 33
series termination resistor should be placed
close to the clock output.
4) An optimum layout is one with all components on the
same side of the board, minimizing vias through other
signal layers (the ferrite bead and bulk decoupling
capacitor can be mounted on the back). Other signal
traces should be routed away from the ICS664-03. This
includes signal traces just underneath the device, or on
layers adjacent to the ground plane layer used by the
C onnec tion to 3.3V
Pow er Plane
B ead
B ulk D ec oupling C apac itor
(suc h as 1
F Tantalum )
VD D Pin
F D ecoupling C apacitors