11.2-Second LOG-PCM Speech
March 15, 2000
Operating voltage: 2.4V~5.0V
Directly drives an external transistor
Low standby current (1 A typ. for V
Minimal external components
508 words table ROM for key functions
Programmable silence length and end-pulse
width (minimal end-pulse width is 330 s at a
6kHz sampling rate)
11.2-second voice capacity (based on a 6kHz
sampling rate)
FLAG1 options
End-pulse output
3HzB flash
6HzB flash
Voice output indication
Busy output
FLAG2 options
3Hz flash
6Hz flash
Busy output
Controllable volume
12 keys
Key options
Stop key: KEY12
Random (only for KEY1)
Sequential (only for KEY1)
Repeat (for all KEYs)
Key debounce time (for all KEYs): 700 s,
22ms, 45ms, 180ms (based on a sampling
rate of 6kHz)
One shot (for all KEYs)
Pull-high resistance (for all KEYs)
Section options
Dice form or 16/20/24-pin DIP,
20/24-pin SOP package
General Description
The HT815D0 is a single chip LOG-PCM voice
synthesizer LSI with 11.2-second voice capacity
at 6kHz sampling rate. The chip when trig-
gered drives a speaker through an external
transistor with a current switch D/A converter
output. Negligible current will be consumed in
the standby state.
grammable FLAG outputs. With a 2.4V~5.0V
power supply, a complete synthesized voice
playback system can be easily built with very
few external components.
The customer s voice sources are recorded sec-
tion by section into an internal mask ROM. The
sectional playback arrangement instructions of
each key are stored in the table ROM. The key
features are also programmable. With such a
flexible structure, the HT815D0 is excellent for
versatile voice applications.
Leisure products
Alarm clocks
Public address system
Alert & warning system
Sound effect generators