HD404054 Series/HD404094 Series
Serial Interface Operation
Selecting and Changing the Operating Mode:
Table 25 lists the serial interface’s operating modes. To
select an operating mode, use one of these combinations of port mode register A (PMRA: $004), and serial
mode register 1A (SM1A: $005) settings; to change the operating mode of serial interface 1, always
initialize the serial interface internally by writing data to serial mode register 1A. Note that serial interface
1 is initialized by writing data to serial mode register 1A. Refer to the following section Registers for
Serial Interface for details.
Pin Setting
: The R4
pin is controlled by writing data to serial mode register 1A (SM1A: $005).
Pins R4
and R4
are controlled by writing data to port mode register A (PMRA: $004). Refer to
the following section Registers for Serial Interface for details.
Transmit Clock Source Setting:
The transmit clock source of serial interface 1 is set by writing data to
serial mode register 1A (SM1A: $005) and serial mode register 1B (SM1B: $028). Refer to the following
section Registers for Serial Interface for details.
Data Setting:
Transmit data of serial interface 1 is set by writing data to serial data register 1 (SR1L:
$006, SR1U: $007). Receive data of serial interface 1 is obtained by reading the contents of serial data
register 1. The serial data is shifted by the transmit clock and is input from or output to an external system.
The output level of the SO
pin is invalid until the first data is output after MCU reset, or until the output
level control in idle states is performed.
Transfer Control:
Serial interface 1 is activated by the STS instruction. The octal counter is reset to 000
by the STS instruction, and it increments at the rising edge of the transmit clock for serial interface. When
the eighth transmit clock signal is input or when serial transmission/reception is discontinued, the octal
counter is reset to 000, the serial 1 interrupt request flag (IFS1: $003, bit 2) for serial interface 1 is set, and
the transfer stops.
When the prescaler output is selected as the transmit clock of serial interface 1, the transmit clock
frequency is selected as 4t
to 8192t
by setting bits 0 to 2 (SM1A0–SM1A2) of serial mode register 1A
(SM1A: $005) and bit 0 (SM1B0) of serial mode register 1B (SM1B: $028) as listed in table 26.
Table 25
Serial Interface 1 Operating Modes
Bit 3
Bit 1
Bit 0
Operating Mode
Continuous clock output mode
Transmit mode
Receive mode
Transmit/receive mode