Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
MAX 9000 devices offer a power-saving mode that supports low-power
operation across user-defined signal paths or the entire device. Because
most logic applications require only a small fraction of all gates to operate
at maximum frequency, this feature allows total power dissipation to be
reduced by 50% or more.
The designer can program each individual macrocell in a MAX 9000
device for either high-speed (i.e., with the Turbo Bit option turned on) or
low-power (i.e., with the Turbo Bit option turned off) operation. As a
result, speed-critical paths in the design can run at high speed, while
remaining paths operate at reduced power. Macrocells that run at low
power incur a nominal timing delay adder (tLPA) for the LAB local array
delay (tLOCAL).
Design Security
All MAX 9000 EPLDs contain a programmable security bit that controls
access to the data programmed into the device. When this bit is
programmed, a proprietary design implemented in the device cannot be
copied or retrieved. This feature provides a high level of design security,
because programmed data within EEPROM cells is invisible. The security
bit that controls this function, as well as all other programmed data, is
reset only when the device is erased.
Generic Testing
MAX 9000 EPLDs are fully functionally tested. Complete testing of each
programmable EEPROM bit and all logic functionality ensures 100%
programming yield. AC test measurements are taken under conditions
equivalent to those shown in
Figure 12. Test patterns can be used and then
erased during the early stages of the production flow.
Figure 12. MAX 9000 AC Test Conditions
To Test
C1 (includes
JIG capacitance)
Device input
rise and fall
times < 3 ns
(8.06 K
Power supply transients can affect AC
measurements. Simultaneous transitions of
multiple outputs should be avoided for
accurate measurement. Threshold tests
must not be performed under AC
conditions. Large-amplitude, fast ground-
current transients normally occur as the
device outputs discharge the load
capacitances. When these transients flow
through the parasitic inductance between
the device ground pin and the test system
ground, significant reductions in
observable noise immunity can result.
Numbers in parentheses are for 3.3-V
outputs. Numbers without parentheses are
for 5.0-V devices or outputs.