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IEEE Std. 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing
Configuration Devices for SRAM-Based LUT Devices
January 2012
Altera Corporation
IEEE Std. 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing
The EPC2 device provides JTAG BST circuitry that complies with the IEEE Std.
1149.1-1990 specification. You can perform JTAG BST before or after configuration, but
not during configuration.
Table 6 lists the JTAG instructions supported by the EPC2
Table 6. EPC2 Device JTAG Instructions
JTAG Instruction
00 0101 0101
Allows a snapshot of a signal at the device pins to be captured and
examined during normal device operation and permits an initial data
pattern output at the device pins.
00 0000 0000
Allows the external circuitry and board-level interconnections to be
tested by forcing a test pattern at the output pins and capturing
results at the input pins.
11 1111 1111
Places the 1-bit bypass register between the TDI and TDO pins,
which allows the BST data to pass synchronously through a selected
device to adjacent devices during normal device operation.
00 0101 1001
Selects the device IDCODE register and places it between the TDI
and TDO pins, allowing the device IDCODE to be serially shifted out of
the TDO pin. The device IDCODE for the EPC2 configuration device is
shown below:
0000 0001000000000010 00001101110 1
00 0111 1001
Selects the USERCODE register and places it between the TDI and
pins, allowing the USERCODE to be serially shifted out of the
pin. The 32-bit USERCODE is a programmable user-defined
00 0110 0001
Initiates the FPGA re-configuration process by pulsing the
pin low, which is connected to the FPGAs nCONFIG
pins. After this instruction is updated, the nINIT_CONF pin is pulsed
low when the JTAG state machine enters the Run-Test/Idle state. The
pin is then released and nCONFIG is pulled high by the
resistor after the JTAG state machine goes out of Run-Test/Idle state.
The FPGA configuration starts after the nCONFIG pin goes high. As a
result, the FPGA is configured with the new configuration data stored
in the configuration device. You can add this function to your
programming file (.pof, .jam, .jbc) in the Quartus II software by
enabling the Initiate configuration after programming option in the
Programmer options window (Options menu). This instruction is
also used by the MAX+PLUS II software, .jam files, and .jbc files.
ISP Instructions
These instructions are used when programming an EPC2 device
using JTAG ports with a USB-Blaster, MasterBlaster, ByteBlaster II,
EthernetBlaster, or ByteBlasterMV download cable, or using a .jam,
.jbc, or .svf file using an embedded processor.