Power Operational Amplifier
Application Information
Cooling is normally required to maintain the
worst case operating junction temperature TJ of
the device below the specified maximum value
TJ(MAX) TJ can be calculated from known oper-
ating conditions Rewriting equation (1) we find
iJA e
Where PD e (VS b VOUT)IOUT a
iJA e iJC a iCS a iSA and
VS e Supply Voltage
iJC for the ELH0101 is typically 2 CW
Stability and Compensation
As with most amplifiers care should be taken
with lead dress component placement and sup-
ply decoupling in order to ensure stability For
example resistors from the output to an input
should be placed with the body close to the input
to minimize ‘‘pickup’’ and maximize the frequen-
cy of the feedback pole by minimizing the capaci-
tance from the input to ground
A feedback pole is created when the feedback
around any amplifier is resistive The parallel re-
sistance and capacitance from the input of the
device (usually the inverting input) to AC
ground set the frequency of the pole In many
instances the frequency of this pole is much
greater than the expected 3 dB frequency of the
closed loop gain and consequently there is negli-
gible effect on stability margin However if the
feedback pole is less than approximately six
times the expected 3 dB frequency a lead capaci-
tor should be placed from the output to the input
of the op amp The value of the added capacitor
should be such that the RC time constant of this
capacitor and the resistance it parallels is greater
than or equal to the original feedback pole time
Some inductive loads may cause output stage os-
cillation A 001
mF ceramic capacitor in series
with a 10
X resistor from the output to ground
will usually remedy this situation
0101 – 16
Capacitive loads may be compensated for by tra-
ditional techniques (See ‘‘Operational Amplifi-
ers Theory and Practice’’ by Roberge published
by Wiley)
0101 – 17
A similar but alternative technique may be used
for the ELH0101
0101 – 18