DualQuad 130 MHz Current Feedback Amplifiers
Applications Information
Supply Voltage Range
The EL2260CEL2460C has been designed to op-
erate with supply voltages from g2V to g15V
Optimum bandwidth slew rate and video char-
acteristics are obtained at higher supply voltages
However at g2V supplies the 3 dB bandwidth
at AV ea2 is a respectable 70 MHz The fol-
lowing figure is an oscilloscope plot of the
EL2260C at g2V supplies AV ea2 RF e RG
X driving a load of 150X showing a clean
600 mV signal at the output
2260 – 13
If a single supply is desired values from a4V to
30V can be used as long as the input common
mode range is not exceeded When using a single
supply be sure to either 1) DC bias the inputs at
an appropriate common mode voltage and AC
couple the signal or 2) ensure the driving signal
is within the common mode range of the
Settling Characteristics
The EL2260CEL2460C offer superb settling
characteristics to 01% typically in the 35 ns to
40 ns range There are no aberrations created
from the input stage which often cause longer
settling times in other current feedback amplifi-
ers The EL2260EL2460 are not slew rate limit-
ed therefore any size step up to g10V gives ap-
proximately the same settling time
As can be seen from the Long Term Settling Er-
ror curve for AV ea1 there is approximately a
0035% residual which tails away to 001% in
about 40
ms This is a thermal settling error
caused by a power dissipation differential (before
and after the voltage step) For AV eb1 due to
the inverting mode configuration this tail does
not appear since the input stage does not experi-
ence the large voltage change as in the non-
inverting mode With AV eb1 001% settling
time is slightly greater than 100 ns
Power Dissipation
The EL2260CEL2460C amplifiers combine both
high speed and large output current drive capa-
bility at a moderate supply current in very small
packages It is possible to exceed the maximum
junction temperature allowed under certain sup-
ply voltage temperature and loading conditions
To ensure that the EL2260CEL2460C remain
within their absolute maximum ratings the fol-
lowing discussion will help to avoid exceeding
the maximum junction temperature
The maximum power dissipation allowed in a
package is determined by its thermal resistance
and the amount of temperature rise according to
The maximum power dissipation actually pro-
duced by an IC is the total quiescent supply cur-
rent times the total power supply voltage plus
the power in the IC due to the load or
where N is the number of amplifiers per package
and IS is the current per amplifier (To be more
accurate the quiescent supply current flowing in
the output driver transistor should be subtracted
from the first term because under loading and
due to the class AB nature of the output stage
the output driver current is now included in the
second term)
In general an amplifier’s AC performance de-
grades at higher operating temperature and lower
supply current Unlike some amplifiers such as
the LT1229 and LT1230 the EL2260CEL2460C