DS5002FP Secure Microprocessor Chip
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Active-Low Chip Enable 4. This chip enable is provided to access a fourth 32k block of
memory. It connects to the chip-enable input of one SRAM. When MSEL = 0, this signal is
CE4 is lithium-backed and remains at a logic high when VCC falls below VLI.
Active-Low Peripheral Enable 1. Accesses data memory between addresses 0000h and
3FFFh when the PES bit is set to a logic 1. Commonly used to chip enable a byte-wide real-
time clock such as the DS1283.
PE1 is lithium-backed and will remain at a logic high when
VCC falls below VLI. Connect PE1 to battery-backed functions only.
Active-Low Peripheral Enable 2. Accesses data memory between addresses 4000h and
7FFFh when the PES bit is set to a logic 1.
PE2 is lithium-backed and will remain at a logic
high when VCC falls below VLI. Connect PE2 to battery-backed functions only.
Active-Low Peripheral Enable 3. Accesses data memory between addresses 8000h and
BFFFh when the PES bit is set to a logic 1.
PE3 is not lithium-backed and can be connected
to any type of peripheral function. If connected to a battery-backed chip, it will need additional
circuitry to maintain the chip enable in an inactive state when VCC < VLI.
Active-Low Peripheral Enable 4. Accesses data memory between addresses C000h and
FFFFh when the PES bit is set to a logic 1.
PE4 is not lithium-backed and can be connected
to any type of peripheral function. If connected to a battery-backed chip, it will need additional
circuitry to maintain the chip enable in an inactive state when VCC < VLI.
Invokes the Bootstrap Loader on Falling Edge. This signal should be debounced so that
only one edge is detected. If connected to ground, the micro enters bootstrap loading on
power-up. This signal is pulled up internally.
This I/O pin (open drain with internal pullup) indicates that the power supply (VCC) has
fallen below the VCCMIN level and the micro is in a reset state. When this occurs, the
DS5002FP drives this pin to a logic 0. Because the micro is lithium-backed, this signal is
guaranteed even when VCC = 0V. Because it is an I/O pin, it also forces a reset if pulled low
externally. This allows multiple parts to synchronize their power-down resets.
This output goes to a logic 0 to indicate that the micro has switched to lithium backup.
This corresponds to VCC < VLI. Because the micro is lithium-backed, this signal is guaranteed
even when VCC = 0V. The normal application of this signal is to control lithium-powered
current to isolate battery-backed functions from non-battery-backed functions.
Memory Select. This signal controls the memory size selection. When MSEL = +5V, the
DS5002FP expects to use 32k x 8 SRAMs. When MSEL = 0V, the DS5002FP expects to use
a 128k x 8 SRAM. MSEL must be connected regardless of partition, mode, etc.
Self-Destruct Input. An active high on this pin causes an unlock procedure. This results in
the destruction of Vector RAM, Encryption Keys, and the loss of power from VCCO. This pin
should be grounded if not used.
Non-Battery-Backed Version of
CE1. It is not generally useful since the DS5002FP cannot
be used with EPROM due to its encryption.
No Connection