High-Voltage, NV, I2C POT with Temp Sensor
and Lookup Table
Detailed Description
The DS3501 operates in one of three operating modes:
Default Mode, LUT Mode, or LUT Adder Mode. In
Default Mode, the DS3501 is pin and software compati-
ble with the ISL95311. The potentiometer’s wiper posi-
tion is controlled by the Wiper Register (WR) and the
NV Initial Value Register (IVR) via the I2C interface. In
LUT Mode and LUT Adder Mode, the potentiometer’s
wiper position is calculated/controlled as a function of
the current temperature measured by the DS3501’s
internal temperature sensor. The difference between
the two LUT modes is the way the potentiometer wiper
position is calculated. A detailed description of the
three modes as well as additional features of the
DS3501 follow below.
Digital Potentiometer Output
The potentiometer consists of 127 resistors in series
connected between the RH and RL pins. Between each
resistance and at the two end points, RH and RL, solid-
state switches enable RW to be connected within the
resistive network. The wiper position and the output on
RW are decoded based on the value in WR. If RH, RL,
and RW are externally connected in a voltage-divider
configuration, then the voltage on RW can be easily
calculated using the following equation:
where WR is the wiper position in decimal (0–127).
Temperature Conversion and
Supply Voltage Monitoring
Temperature Conversion
The DS3501 features an internal 8-bit temperature sen-
sor that is capable of driving the LUT and providing a
measurement of the ambient temperature over I2C by
reading address 0Ch. The sensor is functional over the
entire operating temperature range and is in signed
two’s complement format with a resolution of 1°C/bit.
See below for the temperature sensor’s bit weights.
To calculate the temperature, treat the two’s comple-
ment binary value as an unsigned binary number, then
convert it to decimal. If the result is greater than or
equal to 128, subtract 256 from the result.
Supply Voltage Monitoring
The DS3501 also features an internal 8-bit supply volt-
age (VCC) monitor. A value of the supply voltage mea-
surement can be read over I2C at the address 0Eh.
To calculate the supply voltage, simply convert the
hexadecimal result into decimal and then multiply it by
the LSB as shown in the
Analog Voltage Monitoring
Characteristics electrical table.
Mode Selection
The DS3501 mode of operation is determined by two
bits located in Control Register 1 (CR1), which is non-
volatile. In particular, the mode is determined by the
Update Mode bit (CR1.0) and the Adder Mode bit
(CR1.1). Table 1 illustrates how the two control bits are
used to select the operating mode. When shipped from
the factory, the DS3501 is programmed with the CR1.0
bit = 0, hence configuring the DS3501 in Default Mode.
Default Mode
Default Mode of the DS3501 is the simplest mode of the
three. As shown in the Default Mode Block Diagram,
the potentiometer is controlled by the Wiper Register/
Initial Value Register (WR/IVR). Upon power-up of the
DS3501, the value stored in the NV Initial Value
Register (IVR) is recalled into the volatile Wiper
Register (WR). The wiper can then be changed any
time after by writing the desired value to the WR/IVR
Register. The WR/IVR Register is located at memory
address 00h and is implemented as EEPROM shad-
owed SRAM. This register can be visualized as an
SRAM byte (the WR portion) in parallel with a EEPROM
byte (the IVR portion). The operation of the register is
controlled by the Shadow EEPROM (SEE) bit, CR0.7.
When the SEE bit = 0 (default), data written to memory
address 00h by I2C actually gets stored in both SRAM
(WR) and EEPROM (IVR). Conversely, when SEE = 1,
only the SRAM (WR) is written to the new value. The
EEPROM byte (IVR) continues to store the last value
written to it when SEE was 0. Reading memory address
00h reads the value stored in WR. As shown in the
Default Mode memory map (see Table 2), the SEE bit is
volatile and its power-up default state is 0.
BIT (CR1.0)
BIT (CR1.1)
Default Mode (default)
LUT Mode
LUT Adder Mode
Table 1. DS3501 Operating Modes