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1-Wire RESET—This command is used to generate a reset pulse on the 1-Wire bus and to optionally
change the 1-Wire speed. The new speed will take effect only if the embedded command bit SE is set to
1. When the 1-WIRE RESET is sent after an Overdrive Skip ROM command, SE must be 1 and the new
speed must be 0x02. See MODE CONTROL section for additional communication speed information. To
switch back to regular speed, set SE = 1 and the new speed parameter to 0x00 (regular) or 0x01 (flexible).
Command parameters:
1 byte specifying new speed after the reset.
EP2 data:
EP3 data:
Result Register:
ICP = 0, NTF = 0 or 1: An abnormal condition or
an Alarming Presence Pulse was detected
ICP = 0, NTF = 1: no error detected
ICP = 0, NTF = 0: no error detected
ICP = 1
BIT I/O - This command generates a single time slot on the 1-Wire bus and reads back the response.
Data bit d3 (D) of command byte 1 specifies the value to be written to the 1-Wire bus. This time slot may
optionally be followed by a strong pullup using embedded command bits SPU and CIB. With CIB = 1, a
requested strong pullup will only occur if the read-back revealed a 0. Data is returned to the host only if
the embedded command bit ICP = 0. If ICP = 0, the bit read from the 1-Wire device is stored in the
EP3 FIFO and is read by the host using an EP3 bulk transaction.
Command parameters:
EP2 data:
None, this command gets its input data as a command parameter.
EP3 data:
Length Description
If ICP = 0: 1 byte
Bit read back from the 1-Wire device.
If ICP = 1: None
No data is returned.
Result Register:
If ICP = 1: no result data is generated.
If ICP = 0 and NTF = 1: a result value of 0x00 will be generated.
If IPC = 0 and NTF = 0: no result data is generated since there are no
error codes associated with this command.
BIT I/O Read Back Byte Table 14
BYTE I/O—This command accomplishes a direct 1-Wire write and read with optional strong pullup
after the last bit of the byte. The optional strong pullup is controlled using embedded command bit SPU.
For a write sequence, the data byte to be written is included in the command setup packet as shown in
Appendix 2. For a read sequence, the setup packet data byte value is set to 0xFF. Data is returned to the
host only if the embedded command bit ICP = 0. If ICP = 0, the byte read from the 1-Wire device is
stored in the EP3 FIFO and is read by the host using an EP3 bulk transaction.