Single-Channel 1-Wire Master
Status Register
The read-only Status Register is the general means for
the DS2482-100 to report bit-type data from the 1-Wire
side, 1-Wire busy status, and its own reset status to the
host processor. All 1-Wire communication commands
and the Device Reset command position the read
pointer at the Status Register for the host processor to
read with minimal protocol overhead. Status information
is updated during the execution of certain commands
only. Details are given in the description of the various
status bits that follow.
1-Wire Busy (1WB)
The 1WB bit reports to the host processor whether the
1-Wire line is busy. During 1-Wire communication 1WB
is 1; once the command is completed, 1WB returns to
its default 0. Details on when 1WB changes state and
for how long it remains at 1 are found in the
Commands section.
Presence-Pulse Detect (PPD)
The PPD bit is updated with every 1-Wire Reset com-
mand. If the DS2482-100 detects a presence pulse from
a 1-Wire device at tMSP during the presence-detect
cycle, the PPD bit is set to 1. This bit returns to its default
0 if there is no presence pulse or if the 1-Wire line is
shorted during a subsequent 1-Wire Reset command.
Short Detected (SD)
The SD bit is updated with every 1-Wire Reset com-
mand. If the DS2482-100 detects a logic 0 on the
1-Wire line at tSI during the presence-detect cycle, the
SD bit is set to 1. This bit returns to its default 0 with a
subsequent 1-Wire Reset command provided that the
short has been removed. If SD is 1, PPD is 0. The
DS2482-100 cannot distinguish between a short and a
DS1994 or DS2404 signaling a 1-Wire interrupt. For this
reason, if a DS2404 or DS1994 is used in the applica-
tion, the interrupt function must be disabled. The inter-
rupt signaling is explained in the respective 1-Wire
device data sheets.
Logic Level (LL)
The LL bit reports the logic state of the active 1-Wire
line without initiating any 1-Wire communication. The
1-Wire line is sampled for this purpose every time the
Status Register is read. The sampling and updating of
the LL bit takes place when the host processor has
addressed the DS2482-100 in read mode (during the
acknowledge cycle), provided that the read pointer is
positioned at the Status Register.
Device Reset (RST)
If the RST bit is 1, the DS2482-100 has performed an
internal reset cycle, either caused by a power-on reset
or from executing the Device Reset command. The RST
bit is cleared automatically when the DS2482-100 exe-
cutes a Write Configuration command to restore the
selection of the desired 1-Wire features.
Single Bit Result (SBR)
The SBR bit reports the logic state of the active 1-Wire line
sampled at tMSR of a 1-Wire Single Bit command or the
first bit of a 1-Wire Triplet command. The power-on default
of SBR is 0. If the 1-Wire Single Bit command sends a 0
bit, SBR should be 0. With a 1-Wire Triplet command,
SBR could be 0 as well as 1, depending on the response
of the 1-Wire devices connected. The same result applies
to a 1-Wire Single Bit command that sends a 1 bit.
Triplet Second Bit (TSB)
The TSB bit reports the logic state of the active 1-Wire
line sampled at tMSR of the second bit of a 1-Wire
Triplet command. The power-on default of TSB is 0.
This bit is updated only with a 1-Wire Triplet command
and has no function with other commands.
Branch Direction Taken (DIR)
Whenever a 1-Wire Triplet command is executed, this
bit reports to the host processor the search direction
that was chosen by the third bit of the triplet. The
power-on default of DIR is 0. This bit is updated only
with a 1-Wire Triplet command and has no function with
other commands. For additional information, see the
description of the 1-Wire Triplet command and
Application Note 187:
1-Wire Search Algorithm.
Status Register Bit Assignment
Maxim Integrated