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(RAM Chip Enable Output; active low) - When power is valid, CEO will equal CEI . When
power is not valid, CEO will be driven high regardless of CEI .
(Power-on Output; open drain, active low) - The PWR pin is intended for use as an on/off
control for the system power. With VCC voltage removed from the DS1689/DS1693, PWR may be
automatically activated from a Kickstart input via the KS pin or from a Wake-up interrupt. Once the
system is powered on, the state of PWR can be controlled via bits in the Dallas registers.
(Kickstart Input; active low) - When VCC is removed from the DS1689/DS1693, the system can be
powered on in response to an active low transition on the KS pin, as might be generated from a key
closure. VBAUX must be present and Auxiliary Battery Enable bit (ABE) must be set to 1 if the kickstart
function is used, and the KS pin must be pulled up to the VBAUX supply. While VCC is applied, the KS pin
can be used as an interrupt input.
(RAM Clear Input; active low) - If enabled by software, taking RCLR low will result in the
clearing of the 114 bytes of user RAM. When enabled, RCLR can be activated whether or not VCC is
VBAUX - Auxiliary battery input required for kickstart and wake-up features. This input also supports
clock/calendar and External NVRAM if VBAT is at lower voltage or is not present. A standard +3-volt
lithium cell or other energy source can be used. Battery voltage must be held between +2.5 and +3.7 volts
for proper operation. If VBAUX is not going to be used it should be grounded and auxiliary battery enable
bit bank 1, register 4BH, should=0.
X1, X2 - Connections for a standard 32.768 kHz quartz crystal. For greatest accuracy, the DS1689 must
be used with a crystal that has a specified load capacitance of either 6 pF or 12.5 pF. The Crystal Select
(CS) bit in Extended Control Register 4B is used to select operation with a 6 pF or 12.5 pF crystal. The
crystal is attached directly to the X1 and X2 pins. There is no need for external capacitors or resistors.
Note: X1 and X2 are very high impedance nodes. It is recommended that they and the crystal by guard-
ringed with ground and that high frequency signals be kept away from the crystal area.
For more information on crystal selection and crystal layout considerations, please consult Application
Note 58, “Crystal Considerations with Dallas Real Time Clocks.” The DS1689 can also be driven by an
external 32.768 kHz oscillator. In this configuration, the X1 pin is connected to the external oscillator
signal and the X2 pin is floated.
VBAT - Battery input for any standard 3-Volt lithium cell or other energy source. Battery voltage must be
held between 2.5 and 3.7 volts for proper operation.
The real-time clock function will continue to operate and all of the RAM, time, calendar, and alarm
memory locations remain nonvolatile regardless of the level of the VCCI input. When VCCI is applied to
the DS1689/DS1693 and reaches a level of greater than VPF (power fail trip point), the device becomes
accessible after tREC, provided that the oscillator is running and the oscillator countdown chain is not in
reset (see Register A). This time period allows the system to stabilize after power is applied.