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VCC - Power Supply. The DS1666 will support supply voltages ranging from +4.5 to +5.5 volts.
Ground Terminal.
VB - Negative Bias. The DS1666 will support a negative bias ranging from 0 to -5 volts.
H -
High-Terminal of Potentiometer. It is not required that this terminal be connected to a potential
greater than the VL terminal. Voltage applied to the VH terminal can not exceed the power-supply
voltage, (VCC), or go below the negative bias, (VB).
VL - Low-Terminal of Potentiometer. It is not required that this terminal be connected to a potential less
than the VH terminal. Voltage applied to the VL terminal cannot exceed the power-supply voltage, (VCC),
or go below the negative bias (VB).
VW - Wiper of the Potentiometer. Its position on the resistor array is controlled by the 3-terminal control
port. Voltage applied to the wiper cannot exceed the power-supply voltage, VCC, or go below the
negative bias (VB).
Chip Select. The CS input is used to activate the control port of the DS1666. This input is active
low. When in a high-state, activity on the INC and U/ D port pins will not affect or change wiper
Wiper Movement Control. This input provides for wiper position changes when the CS pin is low.
Wiper position changes will occur one position per high-to-low transition of this input signal. Position
changes will not occur if the CS pin is in a high-state.
U/ D -
Up/Down Control. This input sets the direction of wiper movement. When in a high-state and CS
is low, any high-to-low transition on INC will cause a one position movement of the wiper towards the
VH terminal. When in a low-state and CS is low, any high-to-low transitions on INC will cause the
position of the wiper to move towards the VL terminal.