Note for use
The application circuit is recommended for use. Make sure to confirm the adequacy of the characteristics. When
using the circuit with changes to the external circuit constants, make sure to leave an adequate margin for external
components including static and transitional characteristics as well as dispersion of the IC.
Operation supply voltage range
The circuit functionality is guaranteed within the operation of ambient temperature range, as long as it is within the
operation supply voltage range. The standard of electrical characteristic values cannot be guaranteed at other
voltages in the operating range, however, the variation will be small.
The regulator output circuit of this IC does not include protect circuit for the unusual situations such as over voltage
current protection, short detect circuit and thermal shut-down circuit.
Therefore, this IC might be broken down when it is loaded exceeding the package power, or when it is shorted.
To design application circuit, please deal it with enough consideration.
Oscillation stopper of output and bypass capacitor
Please put into capacitor to stop oscillation between output pin and GND.
It has a possibility of oscillation if capacitance is changed due to temperature range, and it recommends to use small
tantalum electrolytic capacitor of equivalents serial resistor (ESR).
If extremely big capacitor is used, it may have a case to occur oscillation of low frequency.
Please confirm this point. And it recommend to put into bypass capacitor into the nearest position between input pin
and GND.
For the grounding shown in the application circuit, wire every ground to GND terminal in a short pattern arrange-
ment to avoid electrical disturbance.
This product is produced with strict quality control, but might be destroyed in using beyond absolute maximum
ratings is considered. Open IC destroyed a failure mode cannot be defined (I like short mode, or open mode).
Therefore, physical security countermeasure, like fuse, is to be given when a specific mode to be beyond absolute
maximum ratings is considered.
Mal-function may happen when the device is used in the strong electromagnetic field.
Recommended to put DIODE for protection purpose in case of output pin connected with large load of inpedance
or reserve current occurred at initial and output off.
This IC is monolithic IC which (as shown in Figure-4) has P+ isolation in the P substrate and between the various
pins. A P-N junction is formed from this P layer and N layer of each pin. For example, the relation between each
potentials is as follows;
(When GND > pinB and GND > pinA, the P-N junction operates as parasitic diode.)
(When > pinB > GND > pinA, the P-N junction operates as parasitic transistor.)
Parasitic diodes can occur inevitably in the structure of the IC. The operation of parasitic diodes can result in mutual
interference among circuits as well as operation faults and physical damage.
Accordingly, Please do not use methods by which parasitic diode operate, such as applying a voltage that is lower
than the GND (P substrate) voltage to an input pin.