Revision 1.1
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Datasheet - Detailed Descr i p ti on
Figure 5. Window Watchdog Trigger
7.7 LIN Transceiver
The transceiver provides short circuit limitation, hardware watchdog and over temperature shut down features. The TX watchdog timer is active
when TX is pulled low (active). As soon as the TX watchdog timeout occurs, the LIN bus is released from dominant state to recessive state. The
LIN transceiver has a pull-up resistor (for the slave node; extra resistor externally for the master node) to the VSUP. A diode protection is
available to protect it from back supply from bus line.
The LIN transmitter has the basic functionality of relaying the data from the micro-controller on to the LIN. The data on the LIN needs to have
controlled slew to have reduced EMI. The receiver relays the data from the LIN to the micro-controller. This transmitter has optimized EMC
performance across different loading conditions conforming to the LIN 2.1 standards. The wake-up detects a wake up event on the LIN.
7.8 Operating Modes and States
The AS8530 provides four main operating modes “normal”, “sleep/stand-by” (programmed by OTP), “temporary shutdown” and “thermal
shutdown”. The LIN transceiver can be programmed to operate with lower slew in the normal mode. Refer to
Table 3 for a detailed description on
transition for each mode.
7.8.1 Normal Mode
This is the mode after the power-up. In normal mode, LDO, LIN Transceiver, Window Watchdog, Resistive divider and the line drivers are all
turned on. All the blocks are completely functional. LDO is now capable of delivering maximum load current possible as per the device
specifications. The LIN Transceiver is capable of sending the TX data from microcontroller to the LIN bus at a maximum rate of 20Kbps. EN
signal is set to high and LIN, TX, RX pins can be driven into dominant (low) or recessive (high) states. If the junction temperature increases more
than Totset, a warning flag is set in the diagnostic register, which can be read through the 2-wire interface.
7.8.2 Standby Mode
Standby mode is a functional low-power mode where LIN Transceiver is disabled. The LIN wake-up circuit and over-temperature monitor circuit
is enabled. Window watchdog, TX timeout watchdog, Resistive divider, relay driver circuits are disabled. EN pin held low in this mode. TX pin is
in recessive state (high). CS is pulled to VCC while SDI and SCLK outputs are pulled to VSS.
7.8.3 Sleep Mode
As a factory programming option on request the AS8530 offers as a replacement to the standby mode with sleep mode. Sleep mode is the most
current saving mode. If EN is held low, the LDO, LIN Transceiver and the reset and window watchdog unit will be switched off. VCC is pulled
down to zero. The LIN wake-up circuit, oscillator and over-temperature monitor circuit is active. LIN bus is in recessive state (high). Only wake-
up possible is through remote wake-up, through LIN pin, pulling it to dominant state for 100s typical (low), can change the state of the system.
Non-Service time (WD_TCL)
Service time (WD_TSV)
Trigger restart period
Trigger via SPI
Last trigger point
Earliest possible trigger point
(System will not RESET)
Latest possible trigger point
(System will not be RESET)
50 %
100 %
Valid Trigger point
(System will not be RESET)
Unwanted trigger point
(System will be RESET)