Figure 3. External Component Connection
The goal of the CDREF capacitance is to put the DC
voltage of the received signal at the right level for the
internal components. See also description of the pin
560 pF
560 pF
82 KW
39 KW
1 mF
Pin 4: REF_OUT
REF_OUT is the analog output pin, which provides the
voltage reference used by the A/D converter. This pin must
be decoupled from the analog ground by a 1 mF
±10 percent
ceramic capacitance (CDREF). This must be done as close
as possible on the PCB. See Figure
4. It is not allowed to load
this pin with other impedance load.
Pin 5: M50HZ_IN
M50HZ_IN is the mains frequency analog input pin 50
or 60 Hz. This pin is used to detect the crossing of the zero
voltage on one selected phase. This information is used, after
filtering with the internal PLL, to synchronize frames with
the mains frequency. In case of direct connection to the
mains, the use of a series resistor of 1 MW is advised in order
to limit the current flowing through the protection diodes.
Pin 6, 19 and 22: IO0, IO1 and IO2
IO0, IO1 and IO2 are generalpurpose digital input and
output pins. Only the IO2 pin is used – this is an input for the
chip. All IOs support 5 V level on the bus (5 V safe IO).
When used as outputs, they must be able to deliver the 5 V
on the bus if necessary. Outputs are open drain NMOS. The
high level is created by opening the internal open drain
MOS. The 5 V level is obtained by the use of an external
pullup resistance. Figure
4 gives a representation of a 5 V
safe IO. A typical value for the pullup resistance “RES” is
10 KW. With a larger value for “RES”, the current flowing
through this resistance is reduced, hence the switch time
from 0 V up to 5 V. IO2 pin is used as T_REQ signal, i.e. the
transmission request. So this pin is used as an input pin for
the chip in the normal working mode. This signal is used in
order to initiate a local communication from the
microcontroller to the AMIS30585. The T_REQ signal is
active when low. IO0 and IO1 are assigned to drive external
LED. The embedded software defines pin activation.
Figure 4. Representation of 5V Safe I/O
Pin 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11: TDO, TDI, TCK, TMS, and
All these pins are part of the JTAG bus interface. It will be
connected to the ARM ICE interface box. This provides an
access to the embedded ARM processor. These pins are used
during the debugging of the embedded software. Pin
characteristics are inline with the ARM JTAG interface
specification. They will not be described here. Input pins
(TDI, TCK, TMS, and TRSTB) contain internal pulldown
resistance. TDO is an output. When not in use, the JTAG
interface pins may be left floating.
Pin 12: TX_DATA
TX_DATA provides the digital output signal not
modulated. It gives the logical level associated with the
transmitted frequency. So, to transmit a frequency fs, the
TX_DATA logical state is 0 and is present on TX_DATA. To
transmit a frequency fm, the TX_DATA logical state is 1.
This output pin is an open drain. An external pullup
resistance is needed to perform the voltage level associated
with a logical one (as for the IOx pins).
Pin 13: XIN
XIN is the analog input pin of the oscillator. It is connected
to the interval oscillator inverter gain stage. The clock signal
can be created either internally with the external crystal and
two capacitors or by connecting an external clock signal to
XIN. For the internal generation case, the two external
capacitors and crystal are placed as shown in Figure
5. For
the external clock connection, the signal is connected to XIN
and XOUT is left unused.