Ultra-Low Distortion
Differential ADC Driver
Preliminary Technical Data
Rev. PrA
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Extremely low harmonic distortion
108 dBc HD2 @ 10 MHz
79 dBc HD2 @ 70 MHz
125 dBc HD3 @ 10 MHz
87 dBc HD3 @ 70 MHz
Low input voltage noise: 2.2 nV/√Hz
High speed
3 dB bandwidth of 1.5 GHz, G = 1
Slew rate: 4700 V/μs
0.1 dB gain flatness to 125 MHz
Fast settling to 0.01% in 8.5 ns
Fast overdrive recovery of 4 ns
1 mV typical offset voltage
Externally adjustable gain
Differential to differential or single-ended to differential
Adjustable output common-mode voltage
Wide Supply Voltage Range: +5 V & ± 5 V
Pb-free 3 mm x 3 mm LFCSP package
ADC drivers
Single-ended-to-differential converters
IF and baseband gain blocks
Differential buffers
Line drivers
The ADA4938-1 is a low noise, ultra-low distortion, high speed
differential amplifier. It is an ideal choice for driving high
performance ADCs with resolutions up to 16 bits from dc to 70
MHz. The output common mode voltage is adjustable over a
wide range, allowing the ADA4938-1 to match the input of the
ADC. The internal common mode feedback loop also provides
exceptional output balance as well as suppression of even-order
harmonic distortion products.
Full differential and single-ended to differential gain
configurations are easily realized with the ADA4938-1. A
simple external feedback network of four resistors determines
the amplifier’s closed-loop gain.
Figure 1.
The ADA4938-1 is fabricated using ADI’s proprietary third
generation high-voltage XFCB process, enabling it to achieve
very low levels of distortion with input voltage noise of only 2.2
nV/√Hz. The low dc offset and excellent dynamic performance
of the ADA4938-1 make it well suited for a wide variety of data
acquisition and signal processing and applications.
The ADA4938-1 is available in a Pb-free, 3 mm x 3mm lead
frame chip scale package (LFCSP). It is specified to operate
over the extended industrial temperature range of 40°C to