Data Sheet
Rev. B | Page 11 of 28
Noise (for Any Range within the ADC)
Calculated as follows:
where Z is the input impedance, FS is the full scale of the device
for the frequency in question, SNR is the value of the particular
input level, and Signal is the signal level within the ADC reported
in dB below full scale. This value includes both thermal and
quantization noise.
Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR)
The ratio of a change in input offset voltage to a change in
power supply voltage.
Signal-to-Noise-and-Distortion (SINAD)
The ratio of the rms signal amplitude (set 1 dB below full scale)
to the rms value of the sum of all other spectral components,
including harmonics but excluding dc.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (without Harmonics)
The ratio of the rms signal amplitude (set at 1 dB below full
scale) to the rms value of the sum of all other spectral compo-
nents, excluding the first five harmonics and dc.
Spurious-Free Dynamic Range (SFDR)
The ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the rms value of the
peak spurious spectral component. The peak spurious compo-
nent may or may not be a harmonic. May be reported in dBc
(i.e., degrades as signal level is lowered) or dBFS (always related
back to converter full scale).
Two-Tone Intermodulation Distortion Rejection
The ratio of the rms value of either input tone to the rms value of
the worst third-order intermodulation product, reported in dBc.
Two-Tone SFDR
The ratio of the rms value of either input tone to the rms value
of the peak spurious component. The peak spurious component
may or may not be an IMD product. May be reported in dBc
(i.e., degrades as signal level is lowered) or in dBFS (always
related back to converter full scale).
Worst Other Spur
The ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the rms value of the
worst spurious component (excluding the second and third
harmonics) reported in dBc.
Transient Response Time
The time it takes for the ADC to reacquire the analog input
after a transient from 10% above negative full scale to 10%
below positive full scale.
Out-of-Range Recovery Time
The time it takes for the ADC to reacquire the analog input
after a transient from 10% above positive full scale to 10% above
negative full scale, or from 10% below negative full scale to 10%
below positive full scale.