Data Sheet
Rev. B | Page 44 of 72
No Synchronization
In this mode, Bit 7 in Register 0x10 is set to 0, the pipeline delay
in the signal processing is not controlled, and the read pointer
of the FIFO is never reset. However, to assure that the FIFO can
operate safely and there is no concurrent access to FIFO from
the write and read pointer to the same address, it is important
to ensure that the phase offset between the two pointers is greater
than 2. In consequence, the only FIFO reset that can be used
safely is the data rate synchronization, Bit 6 of Register 0x10 set
to 0, where the FIFO is reset with a fixed offset of 4 between the
write and read pointers. Because there is no SYNC signal, the
reset of the FIFO write pointer can only be done by a FRAME
signal or an SPI command.
FIFO Reset Commands
Depending on the configuration of the system, the FIFO reset
can be done manually or periodically for a multichip system.
e AD9148 provides two ways to resetting the FIFO pointers:
SPI interface or periodic reset using the FRAME signal.
The SPI also gives access to each FIFO phase offset in Bits [2:0]
of the corresponding FIFO status/control registers, Register 0x17
and Register 0x19. The value in these three bits corresponds either
to the offset between the write and read pointer in the data rate
synchronization or to the absolute address of the FIFO write
pointer in the FIFO rate synchronization.
SPI Command for Manual Reset
If a manual reset is acceptable, the FIFO pointer addresses can
be reset using the SPI interface.
To initialize the FIFO data level through the SPI, Bit 3 of
Register 0x17 (FIFO Port A) or Bit 3 of Register 0x19 (FIFO
Port B) should be toggled from 0 to 1 and back. When the
write to the register is complete, the corresponding FIFO data
level is initialized.
The recommended procedure for a SPI FIFO data level
initialization is
1. Request FIFO Port A or FIFO Port B level reset by setting
Bit 3 in Register 0x17 or Bit 3 in Register 0x19 to Logic 1. The
FIFO phase offset, Bits [2:0] in Register 0x17 or Bits [2:0] in
Register 0x19, should also be written at the same time to
set the desired value of offset between the FIFO write and
read pointers.
2. Verify that the part acknowledges the request by ensuring
that Bit 4 in Register 0x17 or Bit 4 in Register 0x19 is set
to Logic 1.
3. Remove the request by resetting Bit 3, Register 0x17 or Bit 3,
Register 0x19 to 0.
4. The FIFO SPI aligned flag in the Event Flag 0 register, Bit 2
in Register 0x06, is set when the reset of the write pointer has
been realized. Bit 4 in Register 0x17 or Bit 4 in Register 0x19 is
reset to 0 to indicate which FIFO has generated this flag.
Note that the SPI writes to Register 0x17 or Register 0x19 should
be done while maintaining a constant value in the FIFO phase
offset bits.
FIFO Reset Using FRAME Signal
The FIFO pointers can also be reset using the FRAME signals.
If only one DCI is used, only the FRAMEA signal is used for the
FIFO reset. This mode is enabled by setting Bit 6 in Register 0x10.
FRAME input is used to initialize the FIFO data level value. When
the FRAME signal is asserted high for at least the time interval
needed to load the complete data to the four DACs, the write
pointer is reset depending on the mode of synchronization chosen.
Data rate synchronization (default), Bit 6 of Register 0x10,
is set to 0. When read pointer reaches 0, write pointer reset
to FIFO offset phase.
FIFO rate synchronization, Bit 6 of Register 0x10, is set to 1.
On the rising edge of the FRAME signal, write pointer
reset to FIFO start level.
The FIFO initialization and status can be read from Register 0x17.
This register provides information about the FIFO initialization
method and whether the initialization was successful. The MSB
of Register 0x17 is a FIFO warning flag that can optionally trigger a
device IRQ. This flag is an indication that the FIFO is close to
emptying (FIFO level is 1) or overflowing (FIFO level is 7). This
is an indication that the data may soon be corrupted, and action
should be taken.
The FIFO data level can be read from Register 0x18 at any time.
The SPI reported FIFO data level is denoted as a 7-bit thermometer
code of the write counter state relative to the absolute read counter
being 0. The optimum FIFO data level of four is, therefore,
reported as a value of 00001111 in the status register.
Note that, depending on the timing relationship between DCI
and the main DACCLK, the FIFO level value can be off by a ±1
count. Therefore, it is important to keep the difference between the
read and write points to at least 2.