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12-Bit, 41 MSPS A/D Converter
01.07.05 REV 7
Power Supplies
Care should be taken when selecting a power source. Linear supplies are strongly recommended as switching sup-
plies tend to have radiated components that may be “received” by the 9042. Each of the power supply pins should be
decoupled as closely to the package as possible using 0.1 mF chip capacitors. The 9042 has separate digital and ana-
log +5 V pins. The analog supplies and the denoted A
digital supply pins are denoted D
. Although analog and
digital supplies may be tied together, best performance is achieved when the supplies are separate. This is because
the fast digital output swings can couple switching noise back into the analog supplies. Note that A
must be held
within 5% of 5 volts, however the D
supply may be varied according to output digital logic famly (i.e., D
be connected to the supply for the digital circuitry).
Output Loading
Care must be taken when designing the data receivers for the AD9042. It is recommended that the digital outputs
drive a series resistor of 499 ohms followed by a CMOS gate like the 74AC574. To mnimze capacitive loading, there
should only be one gate on each output pin. The digital outputs of the 9042 have a unique constant slew rate output
stage. The output slew rate is about 1 V/ns independent of output loading. A typical CMOS gate combined with PCB
trace and through hole will have a load of approximately 10 pF. Therefore as each bit switches, 10 mA
of dynamc current per bit will flow in or out of the device. A full- scale transition can cause up to 120 mA (12bits ′10
mA/bit) of current to flow through the digital output stage. The series resistor will mnimze the output currents that can
flow in the output stage. These switching currents are confined between ground and the D
pin. Standard TTL gates
should be avoided since they can appreciably add to the dynamc switching currents of the 9042.