Assembly and Handling Procedures for
PIN Chips
1. Storage
Devices should be stored in a dry nitrogen purged
dessicator or equivalent.
2. Cleaning
If required, surface contamination may be removed
with electronic grade solvents. Typical solvents, such
as freon (T.F. or T.M.C.), acetone, deionized water, and
methanol, or their locally approved equivalents, can be
used singularly or in combinations. Typical cleaning
times per solvent are one to three minutes. DI water
and methanol should be used (in that order) in the final
cleans. Final drying can be accomplished by placing
the cleaned dice on clean filter paper and drying with
an infrared lamp for 5-10 minutes. Acids such as
hydrofluoric (HF), nitric (HNO3) and hydrochloric
(HCl) should not be used.
The effects of cleaning methods/solutions should be
verified on small samples prior to submitting the
entire lot.
Following cleaning, dice should be either used in
assembly (typically within a few hours) or stored in
clean containers in a reducing atmosphere or a vacu-
um chamber.
3. Die Attach
a. Eutectic
AuSn preform with stage temperature of 310
°C for one
minute max. AuGe preform with stage temperature of
°C for one minute max.
b. Epoxy
For epoxy die-attach, conductive silver-filled or gold-
filled epoxies are recommended. This method can be
used for all Avago PIN chips.
4. Wire Bonding
Either ultrasonic or thermocompression bonding tech-
niques can be employed. Suggested wire is pure gold,
0.7 to 1.5 mil diameter.
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Data subject to change. Copyright 2006 Avago Technologies Pte. All rights reserved.
Obsoletes 5965-8880E
5989-4778EN February 23, 2006