Application Information (Continued)
In order to eliminate ’clicks and pops’, all capacitors must be
discharged before turn-on. Rapidly switching V
DD may not
allow the capacitors to fully discharge, which may cause
’clicks and pops’.
The following are the desired operational
Power Output
Load Impedance
Input Level
1Vrms (max)
Input Impedance
100Hz–20kHz ± 0.25dB
The design begins by specifying the minimum supply voltage
necessary to obtain the specified output power. To find this
minimum supply voltage, use the Output Power vs. Supply
Voltage graph in the Typical Performance Characteristics
section. From the graph for a 16
load, (graphs are for 8,
, and 32 loads) the supply voltage for 100mW of output
power with 1% THD+N is approximately 3.15 volts.
Additional supply voltage creates the benefit of increased
headroom that allows the HWD2119 to reproduce peaks in
excess of 100mW without output signal clipping or audible
distortion. The choice of supply voltage must also not create
a situation that violates maximum dissipation as explained
above in the Power Dissipation section. For example, if a
3.3V supply is chosen for extra headroom then according to
Equation (3) the maximum power dissipation point with a
load is 138mW. Using Equation (4) the maximum am-
bient temperature is 121C for the MUA08A package and
126C for the M08A package.
After satisfying the HWD2119’s power dissipation require-
ments, the minimum differential gain is found using Equation
Thusa minimum gain of 1.27 V/V allows the HWD2119 to
reach full output swing and maintain low noise and THD+N
performance. For this example, let A
VD = 1.27. The amplifi-
er’s overall gain is set using the input (R
i) and feedback (RF)
resistors. With the desired input impedance set to 20k
, the
feedback resistor is found using Equation (7).
F/Ri =AVD/2 (V/V)
The value of R
F is 13k.
The last step in this design example is setting the amplifier’s
-3dB frequency bandwidth. To achieve the desired ±0.25dB
pass band magnitude variation limit, the low frequency re-
sponse must extend to at least one-fifth the lower bandwidth
limit and the high frequency response must extend to at least
five times the upper bandwidth limit. The gain variation for
both response limits is 0.17dB, well with in the ±0.25dB
desired limit.
The results are:
L = 100Hz/5 = 20Hz
H = 20 kHz*5 = 100kHz
As mentioned in the External Components section, R
i and
i create a high pass filter that sets the amplifier’s lower
band pass frequency limit. Find the coupling capacitor’s
value using Equation (8).
i ≥ 1/(2πRifc) (F)
i ≥ 0.398F, a standard value of 0.39F will be used. The
product of the desired high frequency cutoff (100kHz in this
example) and the differential gain, A
VD, determines the up-
per pass band response limit. With A
VD = 1.27 and fH =
100kHz, the closed-loop gain bandwidth product (GBWP) is
127kHz. This is less than the HWD2119’s 900kHz GBWP. With
this margin the amplifier can be used in designs that require
more differential gain while avoiding performance restricting
bandwidth limitations.