Product Specification
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2005 Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved.
Document No. 70-0148-03
UltraCMOS RFIC Solutions
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Data Sheet Identification
The product is in a formative or design stage. The data
sheet contains design target specifications for product
development. Specifications and features may change in
any manner without notice.
The data sheet contains preliminary data. Additional data
may be added at a later date. Peregrine reserves the right
to change specifications at any time without notice in order
to supply the best possible product.
The data sheet contains final data. In the event Peregrine
decides to change the specifications, Peregrine will notify
customers of the intended changes by issuing a DCN
(Document Change Notice).
The information in this data sheet is believed to be reliable.
However, Peregrine assumes no liability for the use of this
information. Use shall be entirely at the user’s own risk.
No patent rights or licenses to any circuits described in this
data sheet are implied or granted to any third party.
Peregrine’s products are not designed or intended for use in
devices or systems intended for surgical implant, or in other
applications intended to support or sustain life, or in any
application in which the failure of the Peregrine product could
create a situation in which personal injury or death might occur.
Peregrine assumes no liability for damages, including
consequential or incidental damages, arising out of the use of
its products in such applications.
The Peregrine name, logo, and UTSi are registered trademarks
and UltraCMOS is a trademark of Peregrine Semiconductor
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Peregrine Semiconductor
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No. 500 Zhangyang Road,
Shanghai, 200122, P.R. China
Tel: +86-21-5836-8276
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