MX29LV400C T/B
REV. 1.5, APR. 24, 2006
The MX29LV400C T/B features hardware sector protec-
tion. This feature will disable both program and erase
operations for these sectors protected. To activate this
mode, the programming equipment must force VID on
address pin A9 and OE# (suggest VID = 12V). Program-
ming of the protection circuitry begins on the falling edge
of the WE# pulse and is terminated on the rising edge.
Please refer to sector protect algorithm and waveform.
To verify programming of the protection circuitry, the pro-
gramming equipment must force VID on address pin A9
( with CE# and OE# at VIL and WE# at VIH). When
A1=VIH, A0=VIL, A6=VIL, it will produce a logical "1"
code at device output Q0 for a protected sector. Other-
wise the device will produce 00H for the unprotected sec-
tor. In this mode, the addresses, except for A1, are don't
care. Address locations with A1 = VIL are reserved to
read manufacturer and device codes. (Read Silicon ID)
It is also possible to determine if the sector is protected
in the system by writing a Read Silicon ID command.
Performing a read operation with A1=VIH, it will produce
a logical "1" at Q0 for the protected sector.
The MX29LV400C T/B also features the chip unprotect
mode, so that all sectors are unprotected after chip
unprotect is completed to incorporate any changes in the
code. It is recommended to protect all sectors before
activating chip unprotect mode.
To activate this mode, the programming equipment must
force VID on control pin OE# and address pin A9. The
CE# pins must be set at VIL. Pins A6 must be set to
VIH.(see Table 2) Refer to chip unprotect algorithm and
waveform for the chip unprotect algorithm. The
unprotection mechanism begins on the falling edge of the
WE# pulse and is terminated on the rising edge.
It is also possible to determine if the chip is unprotected
in the system by writing the Read Silicon ID command.
Performing a read operation with A1=VIH, it will produce
00H at data outputs(Q0-Q7) for an unprotected sector.
It is noted that all sectors are unprotected after the chip
unprotect algorithm is completed.