Visible Proof
New 3MTM Economy Heel Grounder
2044 Offers Effective Protection at
Low Cost
Invisible to the eye, electrostatic damage
(ESD) is responsible for causing hundreds of
thousands of dollars in damage to high tech
electronic equipment in manufacturing, not
to mention the loss of a company’s valuable
reputation and time. Simply walking across a
oor can cause enough static to build up and
create a discharge that generates the “zap” of
a static shock. But even the smallest static
discharge, measuring only a few hundred
volts, is enough to damage sensitive
electronic circuitry found in computers,
cellular telephones, and other devices.
High-tech manufacturing companies now
have a new help in the ght against ESD that
offers visible proof that static controls are
properly in place. 3M is proud to introduce
the new 3M Economy Heel Grounder 2044
—a cup-style heel grounder with a high
visibility “yellow glow” strap that helps
facility supervisors effectively manage their
static control program. With the new
economy heel grounder, supervisors may
now see at a single glance whether
employees are properly wearing their heel
grounding assemblies, and ensure their
company is protected against static damage.
Dependable and cost-efcient, the heel grounder effectively
grounds mobile personnel when they are in contact with
conductive and dissipative ooring, and should be an
integral part of any static control system in the workplace.
In addition to the bright yellow coloring, the heel
grounder’s cup construction satises customer need for
durability, while the one-inch width of the heel strap
material ensures a “one size ts all” conformity of t that
will accommodate a wide variety of shoe shapes and sizes.
The heel grounder’s strap is made of conductive, abrasion-
resistant synthetic rubber material with a black slip and
slough resistant outer layer that provides a reliable static
ground, and comes with a one-megohm resistor.
Local 3M static control experts are available to offer
expert advice on how to make the 3M Economy Heel
Grounder 2044 part of your company’s total static control
Call 1-800-328-1368 to discover how to 3M can help
meet the electronic industry’s challenge of protecting static
sensitive components during handling and transportation.
Economy Heel Grounder 2044