User’s Manual
To develop and debug programs for the RCM4100 series (and
for all other Rabbit hardware), you must install and use
Dynamic C. This chapter provides a tour of its major features
with respect to the RCM4100 series.
3.1 Introduction
To help familiarize you with the RCM4100 series of modules, Dynamic C includes several
sample programs. Loading, executing and studying these programs will give you a solid
hands-on overview of the RCM4100 series’ capabilities, as well as a quick start with
Dynamic C as an application development tool.
NOTE: The sample programs assume that you have at least an elementary grasp of ANSI C.
If you do not, see the introductory pages of the Dynamic C User’s Manual for a sug-
gested reading list.
In order to run the sample programs discussed in this chapter and elsewhere in this manual,
1. Your module must be plugged in to the Prototyping Board as described in
Chapter 2,2. Dynamic C must be installed and running on your PC.
3. The programming cable must connect the programming header on the module to your
4. Power must be applied to the module through the Prototyping Board.
To run a sample program, open it with the File menu (if it is not still open), then compile
and run it by pressing F9.
Each sample program has comments that describe the purpose and function of the pro-
gram. Follow the instructions at the beginning of the sample program.
More complete information on Dynamic C is provided in the Dynamic C User’s Manual.