RabbitCore RCM3365/RCM3375
2.3.2 Running Dynamic C via Ethernet Cables
The firmware needed to run RabbitSys has been preloaded on RCM3365 RabbitCore
modules sold for use with Dynamic C RabbitSys. The software from the Dynamic C and
the Dynamic C RabbitSys CDs must be installed on your PC. A system running RabbitSys
can be connected to a DHCP network using straight-through Ethernet cables, or it can be
connected directly to the PC via an Ethernet crossover cable.
If you are connecting to a network with a DHCP server, use a CAT 5/6 straight-through
Ethernet cable to connect the PC or workstation to the network, and connect the
Ethernet jack on the RCM3365 to the network using a second CAT 5/6 straight-through
Ethernet cable.
If your PC or workstation is running a DHCP server, connect the CAT 5/6 Ethernet
crossover cable from the PC or workstation directly to the Ethernet jack on the
RCM3365. Follow the instructions below for a straight-through Ethernet cable.
TIP: It is recommended that you use one of the above options for a PC/workstation or
network with a DHCP server or the serial cable programming option when you are
using the RCM3365 for the first time since these options are easier to set up and run.
If your PC/workstation does not have a DHCP server, you will have to enter the TCP/IP
parameters into the RCM3365 module and on to the PC, notebook, or workstation. See
Using DHCP Network with Straight-Through Ethernet Cables
Enable separate instruction and data spaces and select “Compile program in RabbitSys user
mode” from the Dynamic C Options > Project Options > Compiler menu.
Before you compile and run a program via the Ethernet for the first time via a DHCP net-
work, you must run the rdiscover utility by double-clicking it on your PC desktop. Your
PC must be connected to the same DHCP network as the RCM3365. The utility will open a
window and list the MAC addresses for any RabbitSys boards connected to the network.
Select a board from the list to display additional information such as the board’s Internet
address. This is the IP address to enter when you access the Dynamic C Options > Project
Options > Communications
menu to select “Use TCP/IP Connection.” You must also
enter “32023” for the Control Port and the default login values of “admin” and “pass-
word.” Run a Sample Program
Use the File menu to open the sample program PONG.C, which is in the Dynamic C
folder. Press function key F9 to compile and run the program. The STDIO
window will open on your PC and will display a small square bouncing around in a box.
This program shows that the CPU is working. The sample program described in