55 Watt K Triple Series DC/DC Converters
Manufacturing Company, Inc. Concord, California 94520 Ph: 925/687-4411 or 800/542-3355 Fax: 925/687-3333 www.calex.com Email: sales@calex.com
Dual Output
The dual outputs are cross regulated to each other but
independent of the loading on the single output. The dual
output uses a cross regulation scheme where the plus and
minus output voltage is regulated as an average voltage. This
allows improved regulation on both outputs. If the outputs are
loaded equally and the regulation is checked, then the apparent
regulation is much closer to 0.5%. This data shows the worst
case result of changing each output independently. The
output common on the dual section is electrically isolated from
the +5 volt section to aid in proper system grounding. If 24
volts or 30 volts are required, then the appropriate output can
be connected to the system ground and the output current can
be taken from the other output. In this situation the dual
section’s common pin (Pin 13) should be left unconnected.
Full output power (30 watts) is available in this configuration.
Figure 3 shows the dual output connections.
Figure 3.
The dual outputs can also be used with substantial unbalance and
as single-ended outputs by leaving Pin 13 unconnected.
Mounting Guidelines
The 55 Watt Triple Series can be supplied in either a pin mount
version or a chassis mount (screw terminal) version. It is
suggested that when using the pin mount version, the 4-40
hold down screws provided in the bottom of the case be used
to secure the unit to the PCB. These screws should be
tightened before soldering to avoid solder joint stress.
The chassis mount version can be mounted on its back
with the four 4-40 hold down screws provided. The mounting
surface should be flat to within 0.01 inches to prevent warping
the case. The mounting can then serve as additional heat
sinking. For optimum heat sinking, silicone grease is
recommended over the so called “dry pads.” Additional heat
sinking will lower internal temperatures and increase the
expected life. When chassis mounting remember that the
case is connected to the - INPUT pins through 1.5 Megohms
in parallel with 0.01F. The breakthrough voltage of this
connection is greater than 250VDC.
The “-HS” heat sink option lowers the thermal resistance
from 2.7 to 1.8°C/Watt dissipated. It also increases the heat
removing efficiency of any cooling air flow. If the 55 Watt Triple
is to be placed in a small enclosure where the power delivered
to the load or the power dissipated in the 55 Watt Triple
converter can raise the ambient temperature then care must
be taken to insure that the case temperature does not exceed
the 80°C limit for proper operation.
Application Guidelines
The input should be fused as per note number 3. The case is
connected to the -INPUT pins through 1.5 Megohms in
parallel with 0.01F. The case may be left floating in most
applications. The noise performance of the converter may
improve or degrade with the case connected to other inputs or
outputs depending on your system grounding.
The remote ON/OFF pin may be left floating if it is not used.
See “Understanding the Remote ON/OFF Function” application
note for more information on this feature.
The dual input pins (2,3 and 4,5) should be paralleled to
share the input current. Figure 1 shows the recommended
input connections.
Figure 1.
Parallel both + and -INPUT pins. Fusing the input is recommended.
Single Output
The single output is independent of the loading on the dual
output section. The single output also features provisions for
remote sense connections. These allow the power supply to
correct for line drops of up to 0.3 volts per leg or 0.6 volts total.
The remote sense connections should be made with twisted
pair wire or closely coupled PCB traces. There is approximately
2mA of current flowing in the remote sense lines. If the remote
sense is not to be used, these pins must be connected to their
respective output pins for proper output voltage accuracy and
regulation. See “Applying the Remote Sense and Trim
Functions On DC/DC Converters” application note for more
information. The output common on the single section is
electrically isolated from the dual section to aid in proper
system grounding. Figure 2 shows the single output
connections with remote sense.
Figure 2.
The remote sense pins must be connected to their respective
outputs. If the remote sense feature is not used, connect the sense
pins to their outputs directly at the converter.