User’s Manual
Once the PC or notebook is set up, we're ready to communicate. You can use Telnet or a
Web browser such as Internet Explorer, which come with most Windows installations, to
use the network interface, and you can use HyperTerminal to view the serial port when
these are called for in some of the later sample programs.
Now we’re ready to run the sample programs in the Dynamic C Samples\WiFi folder.
The sample programs should run as is in most cases.
6.2.4 Wi-Fi Sample Programs
The sample programs in
Section show how to set up the country- or region-specific
attributes, but do not show the basic setup of a wireless network. The sample programs in
Section show the setup and operation of a wireless network — the WIFISCAN.C sample program is ideal to demonstrate that the RCM5400W has been hooked up correctly
and that the Wi-Fi setup is correct so that an access point can be found. Wi-Fi Operating Region Configuration
The country or region you select will automatically set the power and channel require-
ments to operate the RCM5400W module. The following three options are available.
1. Country or region is set at compile time. This option is ideal when the end device is
intended to be sold and used only in a single region. If the end device is to be deployed
across multiple regions, this method would require an application image to be created for
each region. This option is the only approved option for RCM5400W modules in Japan.
2. Country or region is set via the 802.11d feature of the access point. This option uses
beacons from an access point to configure the RCM5400W country or region automati-
cally. The end user is responsible for enabling 802.11d on the access point and then
selecting the correct country to be broadcast in the beacon packets.
NOTE: This option sets the power limit for RCM5400W to the maximum level permitted
in the region or the capability of the RCM5400W, whichever is less. Since the beacons
are being sent continuously, the ifconfig IFS_WIFI_TX_POWER function cannot
be used with this option.
3. Country or region is set at run time. This is a convenient option when the end devices
will be deployed in multiple regions. A serial user interface would allow the RCM5400W
module to be configured via a Web page. Systems integrators would still have to make
sure the end devices operate within the regulatory requirements of the country or region
where the units are being deployed.
These options may be used alone or in any combination. The three sample programs in the
Dynamic C Samples\WiFi\Regulatory folder illustrate the use of these three options.
—demonstrates how you can set up your RCM5400W-
based system at compile time to operate in a given country or region to meet power and
channel requirements.
The country or region you select will automatically set the power and channel require-
ments to operate the RCM5400W module. Rabbit recommends that you check the
regulations for the country where your system incorporating the RCM5400W will be